ISSN : 2584-0304

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Welcome to Sanjeevani Darshan- National Journal of Ayurved & Yoga 

This is the National journal with the name Sanjeevani Darshan- National Journal of Ayurved & Yoga is a peer-reviewed national open access online  journal 
published quarterly. The journal's mission is to improve the effect of research in both 
academia and industry, with a focus on quality and innovation. The magazine encourages 
submissions in the fields of Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Homeopathy, and 
Allopathy, as well as any other kinds of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical sciences.

This Journal was started in July 2023.

The following manuscripts can be submitted by researchers:

  • Original Research Articles 
  • Articles of review
  • Book Reviews 
  • Research Letter/Short Communication
  • Case Report 
  • Correspondence/Letter to the Editor


Title                      : Sanjeevani -Darshan, National Journal 
of Ayurved & Yoga 

Frequency          : Quarterly 

ISSN                    : 2584-0304

Chief Editor        : DR. ARCHANA SANJAY SINGAM

Starting Year      : 2023

Subject               : MEDICAL SCIENCES

Language            : ENGLISH

Publication Format : ONLINE

Email Id               :

Mobile No.         : 98222 06312

Website               :

Address                :G 2, Aren Apartment , Wardha Road, Gawande layout, Sneha Nagar, Vivekananad nagar, Nagpur 440015



To promote the students in the field of Development of Medical Research, AYUSH research, epidemiological surveys, Clinical trials, Publications of paper etc


To meet the present-day requirements by incorporating advances of basic sciences to serve the requirement of global health care needs by mainstreaming AYUSH


It also aims to increase the visibility and awareness of AYUSH’s scientific work worldwide.


To encourage the Medical scholar for research on classical texts and investigate fundamental principles of Indian System of Medicine.


To develop the prospective Human Resource in Indian medical systems, especially to develop scientific aptitude and expertise relating to AYUSH Research


The Journal's Scope

Research articles on below the subjects using current scientific knowledge viz. Drug Standardization, Quality control, Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Pharmacology, Preclinical research, Clinical research, Randomised clinical trial, Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Pharmacovigilance. Studies on Ayurvedic  Basic and Fundamental research, Preventive and Promotive Healthcare etc., which provide the leads to the original research, are also acceptable.

1.    Ayurved Samhita & Siddhanta (Ayurvedic Basic Principles)
2.    Rachana Sharir (Anatomy)
3.    Kriya sharir (Physiology)
4.    Dravyaguna Vigyan (Materia Medica &)
5.    Rasashastra (Ayurvedic Metals & Minerals, Pharmacology)
6.    Bhaishajya Kalpana (Pharmaceuticals Science)
7.    Agadtantra & Vidhi Vaidyaka (Toxicology & Forensic Medicine)
8.    Svasthavritta (Preventive Social Medicine & Yoga)
9.    Roganidana & Vikriti Vigyan (Pathology & Diagnostic Procedure)
10.    Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
11.    Manovigyan & Manasroga (Psychiatry)
12.    Rasayan & Vajikaran (Rejuvenation & Aphrodisia)
13.    Panchakarma
14.    Prasuti & Stri Roga (Gynaecology & Obstetrics)
15.    Kaumarbhritya-Balaroga (Paediatrics)
16.    Shalyatantra (General Surgery)
17.    Shalakyatantra (Otorhinolaryngology/ENT & Ophthalmology)


Review Policy

All submitted articles are read by the editorial staffs. To save time for authors and peer-reviewers, only those papers that seem most likely to meet our editorial criteria are sent for double blind review. The editors then make a decision based on the reviewers' advice Accept with or without editorial revisions or reject. We therefore ask that reviewers should be willing to provide follow-up advice as requested.