ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 133-139

The successful management of Mutrashmari w.s.r. renal calculi using proprietary ayurvedic medicine- A case study.

 04 Mar 2024  350

About Author

Gawali D1,Jamdhade D2,Duddalwar D3,Jamdhade D4,
1 PG Scholar(Kaychikitsa), Yavatmal
2 HOD & Professor Department of Kaychikitsa , Yavatmal
3 Associate Professor Kaychikitsa Department , Yavatmal
4 Assistant Professor Department of Dravyagunvidnyan, Yavatmal

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At- Khaparkheda Post- Bharaj BK TQ- Jafrabad District - Jalana
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Date of Acceptance : 06 Mar 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_070

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Mutashmari is a common problem in primary care practice. In India, more than 1 million cases are reported every year, and another report puts the infection rate at 12% of the population. Symptoms of Mutrashmari can be compared to urolithiasis. Although many treatments are accepted in medicine, they are expensive and it is impossible to avoid the development of stone recurrence. Therefore, to treat Mutashmari, it is necessary to find cost-effective and easily available drugs. This is an isolated case. In this case, a 40-year-old patient presented to Kayachikitsa OPD with complaints of abdominal pain (pain radiating from the lower back to the groin) and burning sensation accompanied by bloating. She did not want to undergo kidney stone surgery, so she came for Ayurvedic treatment. Ultrasound report shows kidney stones. The patient was treated with Ayurvedic preparations consisting of chruna, tablets and Kashay. Treatment shows successful results. The stone passed in the urine within 15 days and was 8 mm x 6 mm in size. Depending on the size, the patient will experience more or less relief from abdominal pain and no burning pain as it grows.


  • Ashmari (Urinary stone) is the condition in which there is formation of substance like stone(1). Mutrashmari is one among the Ashtamahagad ( Eight fatal conditions)(2). It is considered difficult to cure because of its Marma Ashrsyatwa due to involvement of basti which is one of the three Trimarma (Three vital parts)(3). Mutrashmariis classified on the basis of , predominance of doshas sign & symptoms. Depending upon the type of ashmari the other symptoms & the nature of pain varies.
  • Acharya Sushruta has explained the formation of ashmari in detail including nidan,samprapti,purvarupa,rupa,bheda,updrava,asadhya lakshan and chikitsa in most scientific manner(4). Acharya Charak has explained samprapti of Mutrashmari in Trimarmiyadhyay of chikitsa sthan along with kapha dosha in Mutravaha strotas vitiated vata dosha lead to Ashmari formation(10).
  •  Renal  stone very in frequency around the world probably as a consequences of dietary and environmental factors. Stone can occur at any age stone that grow in the urinary tract (recognize as nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis ) from when urine become excessively supersaturated concurring a mineral leading to crystal formation, growth aggression and retention within the kidneys(5).
  • The lifetime prevalence of symptomatic calculi is approximately 10% in man, 5% in woman and probability of the second stone formation within 5 to 7 years is a approximately 50%(6). Worldwide approximately 80% kidney stone are composed of calcium oxalate(CaOx) mixed with calcium phosphate(CaP)(7).


In this case study , the stone was present on VUJ region . VUJ region is nearer to The urethra so the stone was easily expelled out through the urine. The combination of drugs Described in the treatment found to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of Mutrashmari,bastishula ,Mutra virechaniya , mutrasangrahaniya & mutrashodhaka.

• In this case, the pain is relieved thanks to the ear and tikshna gunas, a drug with the properties of Kafvataghna [8]. He acts as the antagonist of kafwataj sanghata.  Uclean capsules contain Chandraprabha (50 mg), Hazral Yahud Bhasma (50 mg), Tankan Bhasma (25 mg) and Pashanbkhed (100 mg), which are used for urinary retention, urinary disorders, kidney stones and burning sensation. Urination due to acidic urine.

Distone capsule of Ayurvedic preparation enriched with Pashanbkhed, Manjishta, Nagarmustha, Apamarkhar, Elaichi, Revanchini, Gojiha, Sahadevi, Hazrul Yahud Bhasma, Shudha Shilajit are a unique Ayurvedic blend of herbs and minerals  for overall health of kidney, genitourinary system . , reduces stone forming substances.

Chandraprabha Vati is a powerful anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic treatment used to treat urinary tract, kidney, pancreas, thyroid, bone and joint diseases. syp uclean and Ashmarihar kadha help in destroying the Mutrashmari sanghat and help in dissolving and destroying the properties of the stone i.e. Ashmarigna (9).

Probable Mode OF Action :- All medicines prescribed for treatment are ushna and tikshna. Guna has the properties of cafvatagna. He acts as the antagonist of Kafwataj Sanghat. This helps in destroying the Mutrashmari sanghat and helps in dissolving and destroying the properties of the stone i.e. Ashmarigna.



After observation of this case study , it can be concluded that the Ayurveda gives Better relief to the patient of Mutrashmari . The ayurvedic formulation of churna , tablets & Kashaya can be safely & effectively carried out in pts of Mutrashmari with good results


1) Sharma PV, editor. Ashmarinidan adhyaya. Verse 1. In: Sushruta,Sushruta Samhita, Nidan sthana. Varanasi, India: Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashan; 2013. P. 481.

2) Sharma PV, editor. Ashmarichikitsa adhyaya. Verse 3. In: Sushruta,Sushruta Samhita, Chikitsa sthana. Varanasi, India: Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashan; 2013. P. 234.

3) Sharma PV, editor. Ashmarichikitsa adhyaya. Verse 37-38. In:Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Chikitsa sthana. Varanasi, India:Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashan; 2013. P. 240.

4) Shri Gayadasacharya on Nidansthana edited by Vaidya Yadavji trikamji acharya Chaukhamba Sanskrut sansthan. Sushrut samhita samprapti, lakshan ,3rd 4-12 Sushruta Samhita with nibandh sangraha commentary of Shri Dahanacharya &Nyayachadrika Panjika varanasi edition 2010.P.277-279

5) Davidsons Essential of Medicine ,2 nd Edition, edited by J Alastair Innes,with a Contribution by Simon

6)Finlayson B.physicochemical aspects of urolithiasis . kidney In1978:13:344-360

7) Nephrolithiasis – Author J Stuart Wolf Jr,MD FACS : Chief Editor Bradley Fields Schwartz Do,FACS.

8) https:/ publication /349344145-A_case study on management of complex renal calculi_mutrashmari by ayurvedic formulation.

9) https:/ / 349344145-a case study on management of Complex renal calculi Mutrashmari by ayurvedic formulation

10) Sharma PV, editor, Trimarmiyadhyaya chikitsa adhyaya In; chatak samhita of agnivesha, chikitsa sthana 8th ed. Varanasi, India chaukhamba orientalia 2007.p 629


12) Drushtarth madhav nidan and ayurved Rog pariksha nidan bhag 1, Ayurvedacharya Vaidya P.G.Aathavale, Pratham Aauriti, Chapter 22 Vaatvyadhi Nidan Page number 470.

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