Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 2Pages - 31-43
21 May 2024
About Author
Rathod D1,Dachewar D2,
1 PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
2 Professor and HOD Kayachikitsa Department, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Correspondence Address
Dr. Dipak Rathod
Dept of Kayachikitsa,
Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Contact No. : 8459311869, Email :
Date of Acceptance : 29 May 2024
Date of Publication : 29 Jun 2024
Article ID : SD-IJAY_082
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Karshy means emacitation (It is one among disorder of improper nutrition Apatarpanajanyavyadhi) It results from less intake of food. Rukshannapana (Nutritionally deficient food). Langhana (fasting). Pramitashana (intake of nutritionally deficient food). Shoka (Psychological disturbances). By nature in vataja prakriti. Excessive drastic purifactory measures and other reasons like nidra (sleep) vegadharana (excessive awakening in the night), suppression of urges, excess physical activity and so on which leads to vitiation of vata and The meaning Krusha according to Ayurvediyashabdakosh is Amedasvi,Durbala, Alpamamsa, and Nirmamsa. Aahar factor is the main factor for this disorder and Alpashana and Vishamashana specially results in the development of Karshya. Karshya is included under VatajNanatmaja Vatavyadhi. Both Charak and Sushrut classify it under RaspradoshajaVyadhi. Karshya is a Kshudavegadharanjanya Vyadhi. Karshya is a symptom of Vatvriddhi. The patient was advised shaman chikitsa for 45 days. Improvement was seen in both subjective and objective assessment. So this treatment modality which can be helpful to treat Karshya and restoring the functional capacity of Rasavah strotas. After 45 days treatment, the patient gained 4.4 kg weight and patient showed marked improvement in gaining weight.
KEY WORDS:- Karshya, Underweight, Agni, Ksuidhaasahatva, Nidrakshaya
In developing nations, karshya is one of the most pervasive health and dietary issues. An Apatarpanajanya Vyadhi is Karshya.) As said by Charaka Karshya is classified under the eight vile individuals (Ashtauninditiyapurush). In the end, Karshya sufferers experience Balahani, or loss of immunity, and eventually pass away. The unintended clinical and societal complications of these eight physical states are discussed. Ayurveda mentions Karshyavyadhi,
which is associated to underweight and causes the body to gradually emaciate. It is believed that Karshya is a dietary deficiency. in contemporary medical practice. According to NFHS-4 (2015–2016), Nagpur, Maharashtra's adult population's nutritional status (age group 15–49 years). Men with a BMI of 19.1% and women with a BMI of 23.0% are the two groups. Underweight patients are treated in modern medicine with protein powder and steroid supplements together with a nutritious diet. However, using protein powder and steroids excessively might have major side effects. Additionally, not every patient will benefit from the same food plan if Agni is not taken in to account. Reduced formation of Rasa Dhatu results from altered Vayu and Agni functions. Rasadhatu's upshoshan occurs, resulting in Dhatukshaya.
Adult underweight is characterised by weight loss, muscle atrophy, subcutaneous fat loss, physical impairment, social stress, and symptoms resembling general weakness. In our society, Karshya is prevalent across all social classes. One probable issue that may be linked to Karshya is underweight. A BMI of less than 18.5 kg/m2 indicates undernutrition. (6) Research conducted in India has revealed that adolescents experience widespread, chronic dietary deficits, which cause them to become underweight (Krisha) and weak (Durbala) on the physical and mental levels. The usual range for BMI is 18.5–24.99 kg/m2.
karshya is apatarpana janya vikara (rasapradoshaja vikara) seen in majority of adult population in developing countries. This result due to inadequate intake of nutritious food and lack of awareness regarding its importance. Poverty & lack of personal hygiene are the other causative factors which contribute in the manifestation of the karshya. Under-nutrition may be seen in an adult population due to deciency of essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals & other micro-nutrients. Karshya patients are prone for infections hence treatment should be aimed to full their nutritional requirements. The formulation Gokshura churn is such a nutritious medicament which possesses guru, snigdha guna, sheeta veerya, kaphavardhaka, vatashamaka & brihmana properties, economical, easy to administer, palatable & can be practiced for longer duration. Gokshura churn having Madhura rasa, Snigdha guna, and Madhura Vipaka and sheeta virya improve agni and act as vatanulomka.
Mode Of Action –
- Gokshura churn –
The principle management of Karshya is Balya, Brimhana, laghu, Santarpana. Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) is an Ayurvedic herb most commonly known for its immunity-boosting, aphrodisiac, and rejuvenation, Gokshura is Sheeta in potency and Madhura in taste. It has the Balya property beneficial in providing strength to the body. Gokshura possesses various medicinal properties, especially the Fruit. Gokshura helps in managing Weight by suppressing appetite and decreasing the Urge to overeat. The Gokshura have Madhura rasa, Snigdha guna, and Madhura Vipaka and sheeta virya. Snigdha, Madhura properties causes Vatashamana and increase the Kapha level in the body. Madhura rasa and sheeta virya control the pitta Madhura rasa and madhura vipaka Nourishes rasa and shukra dhatu. The strotoshodhaka property of Gokshura helps in clearance of channels and Improves the circulation of rasa dhatu appropriately all over body which Leads to good nutritious and nourishment of all further dhatu. On other hand Guru Snigdha gunas, Vrishya properties are directly responsible for Balya, Brimhana and effect in body. It improves general health and Immunity. It maintains equilibrium of Dosha Dhatu and Malas. It also Improves immunity due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property. Due to these properties Gokshur Churna breaks the Samprapti of Karshya Vyadhi and gives good result.
Karshya is a clinical condition that can be correlated with underweight in which body gets emaciated gradually. Among the eight socially undesirable physical state mentioned by Charak. In this case, it can be concluded that Goshura churna acts both on agni & poshaka rasa. Being rich in protein when given through the go-ksheera as an anupana, it is having the ability to nourish all the tissues of the body by increasing the adya dhatu i.e. rasadhatu. Karshya is a chronic disease, which neeads long term treatment to get good response. Apart from concentrating therapeutic aspects of this disease, it is advised to improve the socio-economic status & also awareness of nutrition education. ing all the results of the study it can be concluded as Gokshura churn can be a drug of choice in the management of Karshya.
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