ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 126-132

The Role of Ayurvedic management in kroshutkshirsha w.s.r. to Infective arthritis – A case study

 04 Mar 2024  299

About Author

Dhawadkar D1, D2,Jamdhade D3, D4,
1 PG Scholar of Kayachikitsa Department, D.M.M.Ayurved College, Yavatamal
2 Associate Professor , Department of Kayachikitsa , D.M.M.Ayurved College, Yavatamal
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa , D.M.M.Ayurved College, Yavatamal
4 HOD & Guide, Kayachikitsa Department, D.M.M.Ayurved College, Yavatamal

Correspondence Address Yogeshwari Nagari, Ring Road, Ambajogai Dist -Beed 431517
Contact No. : 9421338495, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 06 Mar 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_070

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Septic arthritis is a painful joint infection that can be caused by an infection. Septic arthritis is also known as infectious arthritis. In Ayurveda it can be associated with Kroshutkshirsha. Kroshutkshirsha is one of the natmaj vatavyadhi characterized by swelling and pain in the knee joint. A 50-year-old patient applied to the Kaychikit department of the clinic complaining of severe pain, swelling and redness above the knee joint. Diagnosis: Kroshutkshirsha. He was shifted to a closed ward and received Ayurvedic treatment for seven days. The overall swelling and redness of the patient's left knee joint improved significantly. Using Ayurveda to treat emergencies such as infections and arthritis has amazing potential.



  • Septic arthritis is the fastest and most destructive joint disease. The incidence is 2 to 10 per 100,000 in the general population and 30 to 70 per 100,000 in people with preexisting joint disease or joint replacement surgery. The most important risk factor for death is age. It usually presents as acute or subacute monoarthritis and fever. The joint typically becomes swollen, hot, red, and painful both at rest and immediately.
  • In Ayurveda, this disease can be associated with Kroshutkshirsha. Ayurveda considers 80 types of  vatavyadhi. Kroshutkshirsha is one such as Nanatmaj Vatavyadhi, which is characterized by excessive swelling and fixation above the knee joints. Clinical features of Kroshutkshirshaa include Tivra pida (severe pain), Shotha (edema), kriyalpata (difficulty moving), kriyahani (limited movement), tivrasparshasahatva (hyperesthesia), araktavarnata (redness), ushnasparsha (warmth to touch) ”
  • The Ayurvedic etiology of Kroshutkshirsha is the accumulation of dushta rakta in the knee joint due to  aggravation of Vayu.



Kroshutkshirsha , is an Accumulation of Dusta Rakta in the knee Joint being provoked by aggravated Vayu. In this case main aim is that sampraptibhang . For this pacificationof vayu and purification of rakta dhatu is necessary. The combination of drugs Described in the treatment found to be Very effective in reducing the symptoms of Kroshutkshirsha .

Mode of Action -

Triphala guggul 6 is used to treat inflammatory diseases. Punarnava guggul is used as a diuretic and to treat edema. It improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, and has protective effects on the heart, kidneys, and liver. This helps balance fluid accumulation in cells, tissues, or serous cavities. A combination of Dashmula, Rasna and Punarnava7 with vatagna properties is used to soothe the vata dosha.

tab. Ruma G is an Ayurvedic preparation rich in Mahayogaraj guggul, shunti, ajmoda (eranda, bala, nirgundi8, shalaki, ashwagandha, punarnava mandur, swarna bhasma, shuddha shilajat). It is used to reduce swelling, redness and stiffness of joints. Syp. Arthofast contains vathna and dravya, which soothes vata.Rumarca oil is used for topical application to reduce pain, redness and joint stiffness. Panchsakar churna has the characteristics of anulomak.


After observation of this case, it can be concluded that Ayurvedic treatment within 7 days, the significant improvement occurs on overall swelling and redness over left knee joint of the Kroshutkshirsha patient.The ayurvedic Formulation of churna, tablets & Kashaya can be safely & effectively Carried out in pts of Kroshutkshirsha with Good results.


1.Davidsons Principal and practice of Medicine,24 th Edition,edited by Ian D.Penman Stuart H.Ralston, Mark W.J.Strachan ,RiChard P. Hobson .ch.26/1025

2.Davidsons Principal and practice of Medicine,24 th Edition,edited by Ian D.Penman Stuart H.Ralston, Mark W.J.Strachan ,RiChard P. Hobson .ch.26/1025

3.Int. J. of AYUSH Case Reports. July-September 2020, ISSN: 2457-0443

4. Kaychikitsa,4th edition, edited by Vaidya.Y. G.Joshi chapter 27/ 333

5. Int. J. of AYUSH Case Reports. July-September 2020, ISSN: 2457-0443


7.Dravyaguna Vigyan by G.A. Phadake Chapter 8/252

8.Dravyaguna Vigyan by G.A. Phadake Chapter 8/238

9.Kaychikitsa by Vd.Y G.Joshi New edition Aug.2020 published by Pune sahitya Vitaran . Chapter 27/264.


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