ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2023Volume - 1Issue - 2Pages - 86-98

The review of the role of Shreedhanyam in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders

 10 Dec 2023  503

About Author

Giri D1,Urade D2,
1 PG Scholar Department Of Agad Tantra Avum Vidhivaidyak, BMAM, Nandanwan, Nagpur , BMAM, Nandanwan, Nagpur
2 Prof and HOD, Department Of Agad Tantra Avum Vidhivaidyak, BMAM, Nandanwan, Nagpur , Avum Vidhivaidyak, BMAM, Nandanwan, Nagpur

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Flat no 401,Radhika residency apartment,near Dr Giri's clinic, Manish nagar,Nagpur.
Contact No. : 9960410511, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 17 Dec 2023

Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2023

Article ID : SD-IJAY_041

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Lifestyle disorders like CVD, diabetes, and obesity are increasing day by day. Lifestyle disorders are deadly and cause morbidity to many. Research shows that sudden and tremendous change in lifestyle is the main cause. According to Ayurveda, the Mithya Aahar Vihar is one of the causes of spreading the toxins or Gara Visha in the body. Some decades before, lifestyle disorders were low in statistical data. If we try to find out the lifestyle including Aahar- Vihar in the past, the vast difference can be observed. Vihar was good enough, like good sleeping habits, physical work, and a stress-free life. Aahar included only fresh homemade food, and farming was without chemicals. The diet was rich in grains, mainly millet. Millets are described in Samhitas as Shreedhanya and are appreciated by Acharyas.


The statistics about the lifestyle disorders are not satisfactory. The lifestyle disorders are not only deadly but also giving morbidity to many. There is steep rise in non- communicable diseases since some past decades.1To create awareness is the necessity and to change the lifestyle is priority. Changes in routine and food habits should be sought.

On the same note, the United Nations General Assembly on the 75th session have declared 2023 the Internationl Year of Millets.2 Indian government is also observing this year as the  Internationl Year of Millets .India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the Union Budget in February 2023 where she referred the millets as ‘Shri anna” or  it is synonym of the best of all grains. Millets are often  referred  as the ‘poor man’s grain’ and known as a neglected as well as underutilised crop. The government of India has funded for the Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR), Hyderabad. At many levels the awareness programmes about the millets are being held.3The rationale behind calling millets as Shri anna was that the name is picked from Karnataka where the millets are called ‘Siri Dhanya’, and people in Karnataka knows the importance of the millets.4  

The Indian popular millets are Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Sama, Kangni, Cheena, Kodon, Kutki, and Kuttu which are prevalent in various regions of India, and were part of the lifestyle for centuries. It was staple food of India.

When the Green Revolution in India was implemented by government, the rice and wheat was cultivated abundantly and supplied to poor. After that the wheat and rice became staple food slowly.

Meanwhile, the lifestyle disorders started to grow slowly and proved as silent killers. CVD, hypertension, stroke, cancers, diabetes, obesity, infertility are some lifestyle disorders and are reversible to some extent if some modifications are made in routine and food habits.

In past, food was mainly millets, and people were rarely suffering from non -communicable diseases. But due to gradual ignorance, millet was retreated from daily food, and was known as the ‘lost crop’. To revive this millet crop, researches were made on varieties of millets. The studies shows that the nutritive values of different varieties were different and  it’s effects on health was very positive, thus researches were proved as very promising and encouraging.

Apart from health problems due to diet changes, the other current concerns are quality food production, sudden climatic changes, and water availability, increasing population and malnutrition, which developed interest regarding millet. This has been proved good opportunity for farmers, nutritionists, and food industries to carry on researches in order to know more about the nutritional values of millet.




After reviewing the data thoroughly, the conclusions can be drawn as below,


Shridhanya or Trundhanya are good in all aspects, considering ras, veerya, vipak and gun- karma. Hence it can be or must be included in our diet.

As properties of millets are opposite or different from visha guna, millets can effectively nullify the gara visha. And thus can prevent the effects of gara visha.

The gara visha created by bad food habits can lead to the lifestyle disorders which can be prevented and managed by the continuous inclusion of Shridhanya in meal.

Millets itself are complete food, which contains carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre etc., so it will prove as a best nutritive food for all ages.

As stated above the millets can prevent and manage lifestyle disorders like CVD, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer,celiac diseases it has low glycemic index, anti cancer and anti oxidant properties, thus will help to eliminate gara visha from body.


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