ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 3Pages - 87-92

Role of Dashmool Tailam Katibasti and Ayurvedic management in katigatvata w.r.s to compression fracture (D12 vertebra).

 06 Sep 2024  66

About Author

Gangji D1,Duddalwar D2,Jamdhade D3,
1 PG Scholar, Department of kayachikitsa, , DMM Ayu. College Yavatmal
2 Guide and Associate Professor, Department of kayachikitsa, , DMM Ayu.College Yavatmal
3 HOD and professor, Department of kayachikitsa, , DMM ayurved college Yavatmal

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DMM ayurved college Yavatmal
Contact No. : 7559449041, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 11 Sep 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Sep 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_109

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Compression fractures are the small breaks in the vertebrae. As bones weaken with age and osteoporosis, they are more likely to break. A compression fracture usually happens in the lower thoracic area. Back pain, patient is unable to stand or walk, tingling and numbness sensation in legs Treatments of compression fractures include NSAIDS, back braces, and vertebroplasty. The symptoms of compression fracture can be correlated with katigatvata. Symptoms of katigatvata mentioned in the text are sandhishoola, Asthishoola, Mansakshinta, balkshaya, satat vedana, and nidranasha. The treatment plan for katigatavata includes snehan, swedana, mrudushodhan, basti, snehapana, etc. Kati basti relieves chronic backache and painful muscle spasms, stiffness, and degenerate problems.

KEY WORDS:-  katigatavata, compression fracture, katibasti, dashmool tail


Compression fractures are the small breaks in the vertebrae. They are more common in women over 50. (After menopuase). [1] As bones weaken with age and osteoporosis, they are more likely to break. Fractures in the bone cause the spine to weaken and collapse. A compression fracture usually happens in the lower thoracic area. Symptoms include: 1) patient is unable to stand or walk without pain. 2) back pain, which comes on suddenly and lasts a long time. Pain gets better on lying down. 3) decreased mobility or flexibility of the spine; patient not able to twist or bend over. 4) pinched nerves and nerve damage, which can cause tingling and numbness in the back and difficulty in walking, etc. Treatments of compression fractures include NSAIDS, back braces, and vertebroplasty. [2]

The symptoms of compression fracture can be correlated with katigatvata as per Ayurvedic text. Katigatavata is explained by Achrya Charak under Vatavyadhis. (80 types of nanatmaja vikara). [3] The symptoms of katigatvata mentioned in the text are sandhishoola, Asthishoola, Mansakshinta, balkshaya, satat vedana, and nidranasha. [4]. Kati itself is sthan of Vata Dosha.

देहे स्त्रोतांसि रिक्तानि पुरयित्वाऽनिलो बलि. | ( . चि28/16)

Vitiated vata dosha gets situated in the katipradesh and produces katishoola, sthambha, etc. [5]. The treatment plan for katigatavata includes snehan, swedana, mrudushodhan, basti, snehapana, etc. Bhaya snehan swedan helps to relieve vata dosha, vedana, and sthambha. Basti is considered an Ardha chikista. It is the best treatment for vata dosha.


In katigatavata, vatanashak treatment is done, i.e., snehapana, abhyangya, katibasti, mrudu shodhan, anuvasan, niruhbasti, etc.

  1. Katibasti with dashmool tail was given to the patient. Warm medicated oil is poured over the Kati region for 45 minutes. Kati basti relieves chronic backache and painful muscle spasms, stiffness, and degenerate problems.
  2. Orally yograjguggulu and punarnava guggulu was given.

Guggulu is considered the best vatghna dravya. Yograjguggulu is very useful in treating Asthi-majjagata vata, also indicated in katibhagna. (8)

  1. Vatvidhvansan ras & Ekangveer ras

सर्वान्वातामयान्हन्ति सत्यं सत्यं संशय:| ( नि. )

Both are the best vatnashak dravyas. Patients get relief from shoola, stambha, etc. It also acts as a nerve solidifier. (9)

  1. Praval panchamrut contains sudhavarga dravyas. It is the best Asthiposhak kalpa. It helps for healing of Asthi dhatu, i.e., Asthiposhan. (10)
  2. Swadishta virechan churn contains Ajmoda, Haritaki, Trikatu, vrudhadaru, etc. dravya, which acts as Amapachak, Shothghna, and Shulaghna.

Probable mode of action :

Katibasti is retaining of medicated warm oil over kati region for particular period of time.

नास्ति तैलात्पंरकिंचिदौषधमारूतापहम्|.चि28/176

Tailam is the best vatghna dravya. Tail has vyavayi, ushana, Guru &singha properties. Dashmoola sidha tail increase the properties of tailam by 1000 times. This tailam acts on sukshma strotas.Dashmoola tailam is useful to clean and fortify the blood, build strong muscles & connective tissues and lubricate the joint. Kati basti increase the circulation in the region as the herbal oil gets deeply absorbed inth the skin & both nourishes and strengthens the muscle and nerves. Pacifies one of the primary site of vara, relieving pain, stiffness, restoring flexibility and decrease degenrative problems.


From the present case study, it can be concluded that the results obtained after the treatment were appreciable. Katibasti is the best treatment for relieving chronic lower backache, painful muscle spasms, stiffness, and degenerative changes. It is the best indicated procedure in lumbar spondylosis, compression#, disc prolapse, sciatica, neurological disorder, etc. Our Ayurvedic kalps are also helpful in treating patients. They improve the quality of life of the patient there by relieving signs and symptoms.



  3. Charak samhita by vd.Y.G joshi published by vaidyamitra prakashan, pune 2005,chikistasthan chapt28- 617
  4. Charak samhita by vd. Y. G joshi published by viadyamitra prakashan, pune, 2005, chikistasthan chapt 28 – 625
  5. Charak samhita by vd. Y. G joshi published by viadyamitra prakashan, pune, 2005, chikistasthan chapt 28 – shlock 16
  6. IJAIM, A case report of effect of Ayurvedic management in katigraha , kumar prajapati G, vol. 8 2023 feb
  7. Vaghbhat samhita Chaukhmbha prakashan sutrasthan chapt 13 shlock 1 to 3
  8. Bhaishajyaratnavali by kaviraj ambikadatta shastri, chaukhmbha prakashan varanasi, reprint 2018, Aamvatachikista, pg 626
  9. Ayurvedia Aushdhigundharmashastra by vaidya gangadhar gune shastri, chaukhambha pratishtan, delhi bhag 2, pg 41
  10. Ayurvedia Aushdhigundharmashastra by vaidya gangadhar gune shastri, chaukhambha pratishtan, delhi bhag 3, pg 102


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