ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2023Volume - 1Issue - 2Pages - 29-34

Role of Ayurved in Epidemic and its Prevention

 08 Dec 2023  603

About Author

Khan D1,Kubde D2,
1 PG student (Final year)2020-21 Department of Rasashastra And Bhaishjya Kalpana, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nandanvan, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nandanvan
2 Guide, Department of Rasashastra And Bhaishjya Kalpana, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nandanvan

Correspondence Address

Khan Apartment plot no 106, Adarsh Nagar, Nagpur
Contact No. : 8766473596, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 11 Dec 2023

Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2023

Article ID : SD-IJAY_040

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In Recent years the whole world has suffered from Epidemics . Epidemics will not  have treatment until the symptoms are studied and drugs are thoroughly tested. In this case immunity plays an important role .In this article ,information from contemporary Ayurveda in view of vyadhishamatva and Janapadodwansa is discussed. Ayurveda has described about Janpadodwansa and Vyadhishamatwa already. Ayurveda has described about epidemic disease under the topic of Janapadodwansa. Vayu (Air ), Jala (Water) , Kala (Time) , Bhumi (region ) are included in Janapadodwansa . When these are vitiated they become more and more difficult to manage. Various types of regimens like Dincharya , Sadvritta and Rasayana with respect to Janapad (Community) should be adopted for control and prevention of Epidemics . The Prevention and management of Epidemics according to Ayurveda has become more relevant than before because of Covid Pandemic. It is possible to manage and prevent the epidemics through ayurveda as it focuses on boosting  the immunity .Prevention is the key one should adopt . Healthy lifestyle ,diet and exercises are required to boost the immunity . All this are explained in Ayurveda.



An EPIDEMIC  (EPI means ‘UPON’ or ‘ABOVE’ and DEMIS means ‘PEOPLE’) is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of hosts in a given population within a short period of time . It refers to an increase , often sudden in number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected in that population of that area[1] . A key objective in Epidemics is to identify the symptoms and proactively manage the complications . The goal of treatment is to restore the health of the people and to reduce the side effects of epidemic disease and the given treatment . In such scenario it is very important to develop effective and safe treatment approach . Ayurveda is a unique and holistic system of medicine in which treatment starts with an internal purification process followed by a special diet (ahara) , herbal remedies ( aushadhi) , and daily regimen (vihar) [2] which boost the immunity and fights the ongoing vyadhi(disease) . In Ayurveda , the cause of Epidemic breakout are identified as vitiated air (Vayu) ,vitiated water (Jala), vitiated region (Bhumi) , vitiated time (Kala) .[3] .They become more potent in their increasing order respectively and become more difficult to manage . The reason for their vitiation as described by Acharya Charak are unrighteous action of Human beings (Adharma ) and intellectual Blasphemy (Pragyaparadha) .[4] Epidemic Disease occurs when same symptoms are produced at one time in the given population because of the common causative factors i.e vayu, jala, desha, kala [5]


Each Science has its own merits and demerits. Undoubtedly , the modern science treats the severity of symptoms and save lifes in acute and critical stage of diseases .Most of the time the modern medicine are not effective to cure the root cause , it acts on the symptoms only. Diseases occurs because of the Imbalance of  Fundamental Elements (Vata , Pitta ,Kapha). Most of the time the imbalance is ignored. Sometimes slight imbalance causes dire conssequences. The natural law of the body are applied in Ayurveda Shastra. Ayurveda establish that the elemental balance and Nature is its Subject Matter. In Epidemic this two factors are disturbed. Ayurved works efficiently in preventing such conditions.


Ayurveda is Science of life and its purpose is to preserve life. Ayurveda proves that Prevention is the best way to avoid any should follow the ayurvedic regime for boosting their immunity. One should adopt healthy lifestyle (Vihar) healthy diet(Ahara) and proper medication according to the persons conditions (Aushadhi)  , Rejuvenation (Rasayana) .This all are well explained in Ayurved.


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