Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 169-174
Review Study Of Effect Of Madhukadi Taila Nasya With Patol Patra Swarasa Lepa In The Management Of Indralupta With Special Refrence To Alopecia Areata
10 Mar 2024
About Author
Deshmukh D1,Shah D2,Jaraje D3,
1 PG scholar, Swasthavritta Department, Smt K. C. Ajmera Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Dhule
2 HOD, Department of Swasthavritta, Smt K. C. Ajmera Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Dhule
3 Professor, Department of Swasthvritta , Smt K. C. Ajmera Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Dhule
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Date of Acceptance : 11 Mar 2024
Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024
Article ID : SD-IJAY_075
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A sickness called Indralupta (called Kapala gata roga by Vagbhata and Kshudra roga by Susrutha) is characterised by hair loss. Rakta and vitiated Tridoshas damage hair root follicles, causing hair loss and preventing regrowth by clogging the hair roots. Indralupta is caused by etiological elements such as Atilavana, Viruddh Ahara Vihara, Atapasevena, and Guru Snigdhda. The symptoms of Indralupta are similar to those of Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss on the scalp and other parts of the body. A relatively common, yet highly unpredictable and difficult condition that affects 1.7% of the global population. The purpose of the current study is to assess the effectiveness of Sthanika Chikitsa, also known as Shiro Lepa, in the treatment of indralupta when combined with medications that contain Katu Tikta Rasa Pradhana, Laghu Ruksha Ushna Virya Oushadha's Patola Patra Swarasa, and madhukadi tail nasya.
In Ayurveda, increased hair loss is called Khalitya or Indralupta, and is referred to as Shiroroga. As to the teachings of Acharya Charaka, Tejas merges with Vatadi Doshas and proceeds to Shira Kapala, where Rahana of Romakoopa causes hair loss. According to Chakrapani, Tejas also represents Pitta Dosha and Deha Ushma. Acharya Susruta states that Shleshma and Shonita obstruct the Romakoopa channel, which allows Vata and Vruddapitta to enter Romakoopa and induce hair loss. This is called Ruhya, Khalitya, or Indralupta and is brought on by a stoppage in hair regrowth. In contrast to Indralupta, which causes hair loss to occur somewhat more quickly than in Khalitya, Acharya Vagbhatta defines Khalitya as a disorder in which hair loss occurs gradually. This ailment is associated with Indralupta in Ayurveda. Raktapradoshaja Vikara Indralupta, who has been described by Acharya Sushruta as kshudraroga, is characterised by hair loss. These days, a change in lifestyle, certain environmental conditions, stress, pollution, imbalanced sleep patterns, malnourishment, and poor cleanliness all play a significant part in Raktadushti, which in turn causes Keshpatan. Ayurveda has classified hair issues as Khālitya, Pālitya, Indralupta, etc. under Kūudra roga and Shiroroga. A particular kind of cancer called indralupta is caused by the vitiation of Tridosha and Rakta Dhātu and is characterised by patches of hair loss in certain locations of the scalp. Hair fall is caused by Pitta, which is related with Vāta, getting trapped in Romakūpa. Later, hair renewal is hindered due to obstruction of the hair roots by Kaphadosha, which is associated with Rakta.Ayurvedic descriptions of hair loss in the form of Khalitya and Indralupta include kshudraroga by Sushruta Samhita and Madhava Nidana, Kapālagata Roga and kūhudraroga by Vagbhata, and Shiroroga (disorders of the head) and Kapala Roga by Charaka Samhita and Astang Hridayam, respectively. Alopecia manifests in diverse ways depending on the pattern of hair loss. Alopecia areata is a condition where hair loss results in patches of baldness, but the affected area does not heal. There could be an effect on the entire scalp. A modern lifestyle that includes things like not taking head washes, using toxic shampoos, allergic reactions, weakened body resistance, hormonal imbalances, and malnutrition can all contribute to dirty scalps. Allopathy offers a variety of therapeutic options, such as medications, creams, and the like, but they may have unintended adverse effects. Similar to Ayurveda, other therapeutic and preventive methods are also described, including Pathya sevana, Apathya nisheda, Nasya, Rasayana, and Moordha Taila (Abhyanga, Pichu, Shirodhara, Shirobasti, Lepa, etc.). The purpose of this study is to assess the Patol Patra Swarasa Lepa's effectiveness with Nasya. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence on its effectiveness, so a clinical trial with proper documentation is necessary to assess its therapeutic worth.
In this review study, conceptual part of indralupta and its management with madhukadi tail nasya and patol patra swaras shiro lepa is decribed in easy way. Indralupta is a specific condition in which uneven hair loss occurs in certain areas of the scalp due to disturbance of Tridosha and Rakta Dhatu. Pitta associated with Vāta gets lodged in Romakūpa and causes hair fall, later on Kaphadosha associated with Rakta causes obstruction to the hair roots.
Patol is tikta rasatmak and ruksha guna with katu vipak having doshakarma as Tridoshanashak, Kaphashamak, Pittashamak helps to break the samprapti of indralupta. madhukadi taila having properties such as tridoshgnata enhance the hair growth by balancing the doshas
Loss of hair according to age is common phenomenon but due to drastic changes in today’s lifestyle and environmental pollution lead to loss of hair and it has become burning issue, especially in young generation. Therefore, it is a high time to explore the role and application of Ayurvedic drugs and therapies in indralupta. The Patol Patra swaras is extremely useful in the treatment of loss of hair along with madhukadi taila nasya as it enhance hair growth and also keeps hair shiny and strong by nourishing the hair and reduces hair fall.
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