ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 186-196


 19 Mar 2024  466

About Author

Lekurwale D1,Ghadage D2,Shrikhande D3,Jayaraman D4,
1 Professor, Kayachikitsa Department, L. N. Ayurved College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhyapradesha
2 Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, L. N. Ayurved College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhyapradesha
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa , L. N. Ayurved College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhyapradesha
4 Associate Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai, Tamilnadu.

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Department of Kayachikitsa
LN Ayurved College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhyapradesha
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Date of Acceptance : 19 Mar 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_078

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According to WHO, Anemia is major public health concern, mainly affecting young children, pregnant, postpartum women and menstruating adolescent girls and women. Nutritional deficiency anemia is the most common cause of anemia among the population, and iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in population. The short-term prognosis with available modern medicine is excellent. However, cause is not corrected, the prognosis is poor.  In Ayurveda, Pandu vyadhi resembles with Anemia. 28 years married female having complaint of loss of appetite, generalized body ache, fatigue, weakness, paleness and stomatitis and hemoglobin concentration was 8.3% comes in the OPD. Subjective assessment was done with questionnaires containing specific questions and objective parameter was hemoglobin concentration. The patient was advised Arogyavardhini Vati, Erandabhrishta Haritaki, Ayaskriti and Amalaki Rasayana for months. Improvement was seen in both subjective and objective assessment.
Keywords: Pandu, Anemia, Ayaskriti, Amalaki Rasayana.


Anemia is a condition of red bleed cell count below the normal threshold that serves as carrying oxygen to the body and remains a major public health worldwide especially in developing countries. Causes of anemia include nutritional deficiencies, especially iron, Vitamin A, B, folic acid, chronic inflammation, parasitic infections and congenital conditions. According to WHO, Anemia is major public health concern, mainly affecting young children, pregnant, postpartum women and menstruating adolescent girls and women. Low and lower middle-income countries bear the greatest burden of anemia, particularly affecting populations living in rural settings. In India prevalence is very high as compared to world prevalence which is approximately 51%.[1] Nutritional deficiency anemia is the most common cause of anemia among the population, and iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in population.[2] The treatment of anemia depends on the underlying cause and may include oral supplements, blood transfusions, corticosteroids or other medications which may have several side effects or limitations.  The short-term prognosis with these medicines is excellent. However, cause is not corrected, the prognosis is poor.  In Ayurveda, Pandu vyadhi [3] resembles with Anemia. According to Shabdarnava Kosha ‘Pandastu-pitgabhartha-ketaki-dhulisannibha’, means in panduvyadhi appearance like the color of pollen grains of Ketaki flower which is whitish yellow.



Aharaj hetu: Patient was having regular intake of Panipuri, Bhelpuri, Curd and oily foods.
Viharaj hetu: patient was having habit of sleeping late, around 1-2 pm. Also having regular habit of suppressing normal urge.
Manasika Hetu: patient having habit of over thinking and worrying.


Samprapti vighatana or the breaking of the Samprapti is referred as Chikitsa or treatment.[9] Here to break Samprapti, Deepaniya-pachaniya, Vatanulomaka, Srotoshodhaka, Pittashamaka and Rasa-Rakta dhatu Prasadaka drugs were needed.
Erandabhrishta Haritaki is a mrudu rechaka. Haritaki being a Rasayana drug regulates the dhatudushti and promotes the anabolism of healthy dhatu.[10]
Arogyavardhini Vati has Pittapradhana tridosha shamak property, as main ingredient is katuki which acts as pittavirechaka.[11] It also improves the digestion because of Deepana and pachana properties. Triphala, Katuki with Bhasma and Kajjali acts as srotoshodhaka so it cleanses the body channels which improves the nutrition to tissues.[12]
Ayaskriti is a traditional Ayurvedic form which contains bioavailable form of iron. Iron is an essential mineral required to produce hemoglobin.[13] It also contains herbs with hematinic properties which means they promote production of red blood cells. Herbs in Ayaskriti stimulates the bone marrow, where red blood cells are produced and enhance the process of erythropoiesis (red blood cell formation).[14]
Amalaki Rasayana has tridoshahara (especially Piitashamaka) and Rasayana property, thus nourishes the Dhatus and is also known to enhance the absorption of iron. Iron is absorbed more easily in its ferrous form, and ferrous ions are formed in the acid conditions of gastric contents. And Amalaki helps to develop that media which can improves the iron absorption at gastric levels.[15] It also acts as carminative, which reduces the mal-metabolism of food and body tissues (Rasa-raktadi dhatus).[16]
All the formulations helped in samprapti-vighatana of Pandu vyadhi.


Pandu is Rasavaha-Raktavaha srotas vyadhi and Pitta dosha is predominantly involved. Ayurvedic formulations like Erandabhrishta Haritaki, Arogyavardhini Vati, Ayaskriti and Amalaki Rasayana which are deepaniya, Pachaniya, Vatanulomaka, Pittavirechaka, Rasayana and contains loha (iron). So, they break the pandu pathology, improve metabolism and helps in increasing hemoglobin level without any side effects. So, Ayurveda can be used as primary intervention in the management of Pandu


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