ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 3Pages - 59-64

Management of Cervical Spondylosis through Ayurved- A case study

 05 Sep 2024  88

About Author

Bawankar D1,Daulatkar D2,
1 MD (scholar) Samhita Siddhant Department , BMAM, Nandanvan Nagpur
2 Professor and HOD Samhita Siddhant Department , BMAM, Nandanvan Nagpur

Correspondence Address

Dayal Sitaram Bawankar
C/o Sitaram Shriram Bawankar
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Shinde Layout Nagbhid 441205
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Contact No. : 8237385135, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 10 Sep 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Sep 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_105

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Cervical Spondylosis is a common age-related condition that affects joints and disk of Cervical Spine. It is a degenerative condition and due to current life-style it is occurring in early to middle aged persons. Cervical osteoarthritis is also known as cervical spondylosis. A 45-year male patient came to my opd with complaint of Pain and Stiffness in the Cervical region since from 2 years, radiating pain to both upper limbs (R>L) since from 1 year and Numbness in right hand specially at night. As he is already diagnosed Cervical Spondylosis since from 2 year ago. MRI report suggest Disc Protrusion C4-C5 level asymmetrical. Ligamentum flavum thickening causing thecal sac indentation and compression of nerve roots. According to Ayurved Cervical Spondylosis can be co-related with Griva stambha, a type of vata vyadhi. Here the presenting case of Cervical Spondylosis which was treated with Panchakarma procedure such as Nasya, Manyabasti, Karma & Yog basti along with shaman aaushadhi. The case study show patient got complete relief in Pain and Stiffness along with numbness in the Cervical region.

KEY WORDS:-  Cervical Spondylosis, Cervical Osteoarthritis, Panchakarma, Nasya, Manyabasti, Karma & Yog basti, shaman aaushadhi.


Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of Cervical Spine. Now a day it is common due to current lifestyle like lack of exercise, working on computer/laptop, continue standing posture or sitting posture. It also common in early to middle aged person. 85% of people over the age of 60 year are affected. Common cause of Cervical Spondylosis is trauma, ligament stiffness, herniated disk, dehydrated spinal disk etc. Cervical Spondylosis can be correlated with Griva stambha in Ayurved & it is one of the eight type of Vaath Vyadh.1


The pathology characterized by degenerative process that affect the intervertebral disc, vertebra, facet joints & ligaments. The cumulative result of these changes is mechanical instability, never pain, radiculopathy & myelopathy.2

Occupation -

Certain occupations are known to increase the risk of developing Cervical Spondylosis due to repetitive strain, prolonged posture or heavy physical demand. 4

Eg- a) Desk job & official work

       b) Drivers 

       c) Workers

       d) Professional Athletes

       e) Gym trainer

Risk Factor -

Age is the most common risk factor, mostly middle & old age patient. Trauma over Neck region. 5


A family history of Cervical Spondylosis.

Treatment part-

1} According to modern medicine –

Physiotherapy, exercise along with life style modification – posture correction with medication like analgesic, muscle relaxants & corticosteroids. 3

2} According to Ayurved-

  a) Panchakarma - Nasya, Manyabasti & yog basti

  b) Abhayantar Medication - As describe followed


The pathogeneses (samprapti) of cervical spondylosis are mostly associated with the cervical vertebral coloum. Shleshak kapha work is to lubricate, but if shleshak kapha does not work properly, it results in irritation, compression, or inflammation in the cervical area. Therefore, local snehan followed by swedana is very effective in cervical spondylosis to increase shleshaka kapha.

Manya basti- Is the one of the procedures that have both properties of snehan and swedan, respectively. Snehan karma (massage) lubricates the strotas used to relieve tension and induce elasticity in the body. Preaper smooth passages for the elimation of vitiated doshas during Swedhana therapy. Swedan karma (sudection formentation heat) induces sweating and removes body toxins, i.e., srotoshuddhi, which causes relaxation of muscles and tendons. It relieves pain, swelling, tenderness, and stiffness.

Nasya - With Anu Taila, it helps in the elimination of vata-kapha dosha and clears obstruction in the channels.

Basti (Medicated enema) is the best treatment for vatavyadhi. Yogabasti karma with Anuvasan and Niruha basti play a role in eliminating vata very effectively.

I.e. Anuvasan Basti (oiled based enema i.e Dhanvantara tail)

      Niruha Basti (decoction based enema i.e Dashmool Kwath).

Oral medication8

1) Panchamrut Loha Guggule – By following ingridents Panchamrut Loha Guggule balancing the vata and kapha dosha.

  1. Guggule- help to reduce inflammation and pain
  2. Loha bhasma – support bones and joint health
  3. Abhrak bhasma- enhance straightening and regeneration power in tissue
  4. Suddha shilajit – help in rejuvenating
  5. Vanga bhasma- support nerve system and help to reduce nerve related problem.


2) Yograj Guggule – It is a special ayurvedic formulation for vatavyadhi. It contains guggule, ajwain, chitrak, musta, pippali which help to reduce inflammation, detoxifies the body, balance the doshas and gives strength to musculoskeletal system.

3) Maharasnadi Kwath- reduce inflammation, relax muscles, balance vata dosh, and give strength to the musculoskeletal system, leading to relief from pain and improvement in mobility.

4) Combination of – Prataplankeshwar rasa + Bilva + Ashwagandha +Trivanga + Koshta + Gokshura. Help to detoxifies the body, enhance straightening, balance the doshas and reduce nerve related problem


In the above chosen case of Cervical Spondylosis by using Ayurveda medicine along with panchakarma intervention clinical improvement seen.



  2. Rao R. Neck pain, cervical radiculopathy, and cervical myelopathy. J Bone Joint Surge [Am] 2002; 84-A: 1872– 1881
  4. Panchakarma Sangraha, Dr Manoj K.Shyamluwar,Adhyay 3,P.N.164. 6.Article by Dr.Raghuram Y.S.M.D.(Ay) 2/09
  5. Singh S, Kumar D, Kumar S. Risk factors in cervical spondylosis. J Clin Orthop Trauma 2014; 5:221‑226.
  6. Payne E.E., Spillane J.D. The cervical spine: an anatomicopathological study of 70 specimens with particular reference to the problem of cervical spondylosis. Brain.1957; 80: 571-597
  7. Agnivesha, Charak Samhita, professor Ravidatta Tripathi (Hindi), Vijay Shankar Kale, Chikitsasthana, Adhyaya 28, sutra 37, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthana, Delhi 221001.
  8. Bhaishajya Ratnawali,Shree Ambikadatta Shastri,Adhyaya 29, Sutra 181- 189, Chaukhamba Prakashana


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