ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2023Volume - 1Issue - 2Pages - 42-57

Dietary Practices of Millets according to Ritu

 12 Dec 2023  508

About Author

Joshi D1,Dachewar D2,
1 PG Scholar of Kayachikitsa Department, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,Hanuman nagar,Nagpur 440024
2 HOD and Professor of Kayachikitsa Department, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,Hanuman nagar,Nagpur 440024

Correspondence Address

Plot no. 5,Kashinagar,Rameshwari road,near i10 Super Bazar,opposite to Kalyani Bichyat Kendra,ngpur,440027
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Date of Acceptance : 12 Dec 2023

Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2023

Article ID : SD-IJAY_042

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Objectives: Ayurveda is ancient Science of life, The basic principle followed in the Ayurvedic system of medicine is Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam which means to maintain the Health of Healthy is the first and foremost aim of the holistic science of Ayurveda instead of Aturasya Vikar Prashamanam means to cure the diseases of the Diseased. For this purpose Dincharya (Daily Regimen), Ritucharya (Seasonal Regimen) and Sadavritta (Social Code of Conducts) have been mentioned in the classics of Ayurveda.One of the regimen is Ritucharya, Ritu means Season and Charya means Regimen. Ritu has variation classification of Doshas , its has different effects on the body hence disturbed equilibrium (Prakruti-Purusha Siddhant ). This disequilibrium occurs due to lack of following seasonal regimens due to lack of concentration in seasonal characteristics which causes Doshavaishamya in the body which leads to disease manifestation.



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