ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 2Pages - 01-05

Critical review of mode of action of vasti according to Ayurveda

 19 Apr 2024  254

About Author

Nibe D1,
1 Assosciate professor, Department of Panchakarma , SVNHT Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri factory

Correspondence Address

Dr.Nibe patil Ayurved Rugnalaya Market yard Kolhar Bk Tal Rahata Dist Ahmednagar
Contact No. : 7588542509, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 28 May 2024

Date of Publication : 29 Jun 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_079

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Ayurveda views a tridosha balance as indicative of their overall health, and panchakarma treatment aims to restore harmony and normality by purging the vitiated doshas. Vasti karma, one of the five panchakarma procedures, is a unique and broad-spectrum therapy and prevention strategy. It is a procedure with very good benefits, as mentioned in the Ayurveda text. Numerous research studies on vasti procedures are currently underway. The goal was to understand why vasti karma has become a crucial component of panchakarma as a therapeutic strategy. Vasti Chikitsa is regarded as a chikitsardha among all therapies, and some physicians recognize it as a comprehensive therapy due to its wide range of curative actions. It not only cures vatavikar disorders, but also samsarga and sannipataj conditions, including doshaj, kaphaj, and pittaj. Combinations of different types of Vasti Dravyas cause Shakhagat and Kosthagat disorders. The anal route administers vasti karma, the medicated oil or herbal decoction. Modern medicine most commonly administers enemas as a last resort for constipation treatment when all other methods fail. However, Vasti karma, as mentioned in Ayurvedic classics, has a more extensive therapeutic effect on nearly all body tissues, exhibiting promoter, rejuvenator, curative, preventive, and health-promoting properties. Vasti material likely acts by directly entering the systemic circulatory system through the gut, thereby targeting the pathology and enhancing the condition. Additionally, a plausible explanation for the vasti action could be the stimulation of the enteric nervous system.

KEYWORDS :- Vasti, Shakhagat, Koshatagat, Pittadharakala, Purishdharakala, Agni, Grahani.

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