Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 181-185
Case Study on AGNIKARMA W.S.R. Quadriceps Tendon
16 Mar 2024
About Author
Tayade D1,Gulhane D2,Borkar D3,
1 Professor Department of Kayachikita, Smt.Shalinitai Meghe Ayurved College,Bhilewada,Bhandara
2 Associate Professor and H.O.D., Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurved college Nagpur
3 Associate Professor , Forensic Medicine, shri Vasantrao Naik Govt. Medical College, Yavatamal
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Date of Acceptance : 16 Mar 2024
Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024
Article ID : SD-IJAY_077
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The knee joint is one of the most heavily stressed joints in the human body, exhibiting a unique combination of stability and mobility. Its stability primarily relies on the quadriceps femoris and collateral ligaments. Unfortunately, due to the rising incidents of accidents and sports-related injuries, knee tendon injuries are becoming increasingly prevalent, with quadriceps tendon injuries being particularly common.
Surgical reconstruction, often pursued for such injuries, does not always ensure a full return to previous levels of activity. The quadriceps tendon, composed of tendinous portions from the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis muscles, plays a crucial role in knee function. These muscle fibers blend with the tendinous portion approximately 3 cm proximal to the superior border of the patella.
In this single case study, an attempt was made to address a knee tendon injury using Ayurvedic treatment methods. A 38-year-old female suffering from a quadriceps tendon injury received treatment involving Agni Karma (therapeutic cauterization) and internal medicine. The treatment spanned over a period of 15 days, during which significant relief from pain was achieved, accompanied by noticeable improvement in knee joint mobility
The knee joint is one of the most heavily stressed joints in the human body, exhibiting a unique combination of stability and mobility. Its stability primarily relies on the quadriceps femoris and collateral ligaments. Unfortunately, due to the rising incidents of accidents and sports-related injuries, knee tendon injuries are becoming increasingly prevalent, with quadriceps tendon injuries being particularly common.
Surgical reconstruction, often pursued for such injuries, does not always ensure a full return to previous levels of activity. The quadriceps tendon, composed of tendinous portions from the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis muscles, plays a crucial role in knee function. These muscle fibers blend with the tendinous portion approximately 3 cm proximal to the superior border of the patella.
In this single case study, an attempt was made to address a knee tendon injury using Ayurvedic treatment methods. A 38-year-old female suffering from a quadriceps tendon injury received treatment involving Agni Karma (therapeutic cauterization) and internal medicine. The treatment spanned over a period of 15 days, during which significant relief from pain was achieved, accompanied by noticeable improvement in knee joint mobility
Ligament tear can be symptomatically correlated with Sandhigata Vata. Ayurvedic points of view pathogenesis of Sandhigat Vata is as follows; Due to Abhighata (trauma) there will be Rasa, Raktadi Dhatu Dushti and Vata Prakopa which leads to Vikruti in Asthi, Sandhi, Snayu, Kandra and causes Sandhigata Vata.
According to Ayurveda, every Dhatu (tissue) has its own Dhatvaagni (digestive fire of tissues) for its Poshan (nourishment), if there is any Dhatvaagni Vishamata (deviation in digestive fire) it may lead to Vikar of that particular Dhatu. Mamsaasthigata Pida (musculoskeletal pain) might be due to Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), and Asthidhatu (bone) Agnimandya. In the process of Agnikarma, local heat therapy causes Dhamaniprasaran that increases the Raktapravahan of that Sthana, which is helpful in correcting Dhatvaagnimandya.
According to modern science, the heat therapy, which is given at the local or affected area increases the blood circulation with metabolism by causing vasodilation, increase in the elasticity of connective tissue, and exudation of fluid with increase in white blood cells and antibodies. Local tissue metabolism rate is increased by warming, which helps in healing. As there is an increase in local metabolism, the waste products that are generated get excreted, which normalize the blood circulation, resulting in decreased intensity of pain. Heat may stimulate lateral spinothalamic tract, which causes stimulation of descending pain inhibitory fibers, which again causes release of endogenous opioid peptide that binds with the opioid receptors to substantia gelatinosa Rolandi, leading to inhibition of release of P-substance with blockade of transmission of pain sensation.
From the above discussion this study can be concluded that Agnikarma is one of the best method for local pain management.
The results of Agnikarma therapy and Ayurvedic drugs are very helpful for the the treatment of Quadriceps Tendon Strain and pain management.
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