ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2023Volume - 1Issue - 2Pages - 99-107


 03 Dec 2023  300

About Author

Sahu D1,Upadhyay B2,Ojha (3,Diwan D4,Sahu D5,
1 PG Scholar Deparment of Kayachikitsa , Shri N.P.A. Government Ayurveda College, Raipur, C.G.
2 PG Scholar Deparment of Kayachikitsa , Shri N.P.A. Government Ayurveda College, Raipur, C.G.
3 HOD Department of kayachikitsa, Shri N.P.A. Government Ayurveda College, Raipur, C.G.
4 Lecturer Department of kayachikitsa, Shri N.P.A. Government Ayurveda College, Raipur, C.G.
5 Lecturer Department of kayachikitsa, Shri N.P.A. Government Ayurveda College, Raipur, C.G.

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Shree Narayan Prasad Awasthi Government Ayurveda College Raipur (C.G.)
Contact No. : 7694963211, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 26 Dec 2023

Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2023

Article ID : SD-IJAY_036

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Eka Kushta is a form of Kshudra Kushta that resembles psoriasis in its clinical presentations. It is primarily caused by an imbalance of the Vata and Kapha Doshas. One of the most prevalent skin conditions is psoriasis, which is an immune-mediated condition characterized by erythematous, strongly defined papules and spherical plaques coated in silvery scales. Elbows, gluteal cleft, knees, and scalp are the most frequently affected locations. Several Ayurvedic therapy techniques, such as Shamana and Shodana, have been reported for managing Eka kushta. Psoriasis is a noncommunicable, long-term autoimmune inflammatory disease of the skin and joints. Any change in skin tone causes the sufferer to feel distressed both physically and psychologically. The patient's scaling and itching papulo-squamous skin lesion caused by the autoimmune illness psoriasis, interferes with daily tasks. The disease has persisted as a significant issue because of how frequently it presents. There exists no recognized treatment for this condition. Modern medicine frequently has negative long-term repercussions even while it provides acute relief.


The health and diseases of the body are reflected in the largest organ, the skin. All skin diseases are grouped under the Kushtha roga category in old Ayurvedic Samhitas. Skin has a more cosmetic meaning in today's society and helps people feel more confident and like themselves while developing a positive outlook. A persistent, non-infectious inflammatory skin disease known as psoriasis is characterized by erythematous plaques with well-defined silvery scales. The main causes of illness and aggravation are mental stress, physical injuries, and intestinal dysbiosis.

The patient feels anxious both physically and mentally as a result of the skin tone changes. The patient has psoriasis, an inflammatory condition that causes skin lesions, papules, scaly crusts, and itching that makes daily tasks difficult. Because the disease was so common, it continued to be a major concern. This illness has no known treatment. Despite providing acute relief, modern medicine frequently has negative long-term repercussions. The primary variables contributing to the worsening of the illness include intestinal dysbiosis, physical harm, and psychological strain.


Psoriasis is a vata kapha Pradhan. But all kusthas are Tridoshaja in nature and the treatment should be planned according to the strength of Doshas.

Aaragvadha phala majja is mridhu virechna drug. Kushthagna properties and useful to various type of skin diseases. The Argwadha is the Ayurvedic drug used in the Ayurvedic practices widely. It is mainly used as the virechana drug(laxative) for the removal of toxins.

Action of Panchatikta ghrit

The ingredients of Panchatikta are tikta rasa, ruksha and laghu guna. It acts mainly on kled, meda, lasika,rakta, pitta and kapha which helps in balancing the vitiated dosha and dhatu. It has properties like Deepan, Pachan, Strotoshodhak, Raktashodhak, Raktaprasadak, Kushtaghna, Kandughna and Varnya. The Ghrit has lipophilic action helps to carry drugs to the target organs, it enters to its cellular level and delivers to mitochondria and nuclear membrane. It maintains the normal texture of the skin.

Action of Gandhak Rasayan –

Gandhak rasayan acts as Kushtaghna, Kandughna, Dahapra shaman, Raktashodhak , Vranaropak, Twachya, Krumighna. It is mainly indicated in Kushta roga. It possesses the property like antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial. In all types of skin disorders the purified sulphur is useful for the treatment. It reduces the itching and infection. Beneficial for the skin complexion and improves digestion. In skin diseases it can be used both internally and externally for the treatment.

Action of Sanjeevni vati-

 It contains ten ingredients - Vidanga, Sunthi, Pippali, Haritaki, Vibitaki, Amalaki, Vacha, Guduchi, Shudha Bhallataka and Shudha Vatsnabha in equal quantity with Gomutra and then mixed well.This Ama Pachanaa causes Srotomukha Vishodhana. Drugs like Pippali, Shunthi, Vidanga, Vacha, Guduchi etc. are proved as a best Ama Pachaka. so this formulation will act as Ama Pachana and Agni Deepana.

Action of Kaishore guggulu- -

Contents of Kaishore Guggulu. Guggulu, Guduchi, Haritaki, Bibhataki, Amalaki, Shunthi, Maricha, Pippali , Vidanga, Trivrit, Danti. It is known to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory activity etc. It is used in various Ayurvedic formulations. Traditionally it is used for skin disorder treatment.


  • While it is not possible to completely Eradication of psoriasis, Ayurvedic treatments and medications can provide excellent relief from the unpleasant psoriasis symptoms.
  • Recurrent treatment is necessary to prevent the recurrence of psoriasis and to improve your quality of life.
  • We can treat the diseases without Shodana procedures. But Mridu Sanshodhan are required because Aam dosha should not accumulate in the body.
  • Knowing that making mistakes is the main cause of the disease. Unhealthy food is also the reason for diseases.
  • Continous nidana sevan is the Mula for the Roga, if not treated than it becomes Asadhya Vyadhi.


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