ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 32-42

Ayurvedic Management of Aamvata w.s.r to Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis : a case study

 21 Feb 2024  728

About Author

Pakhare D1,Duddalwar D2,Jamdhade D3,Jamdhade D4,
1 PG Scholar (Kayachikitsa), DMM AM, Yavatmal
2 Associate Professor , Kayachikitsa Department , DMM AM, Yavatmal
3 Professor and HOD , Kayachikitsa Department, DMM AM, Yavatmal
4 Assistant Professor , DMM AM, Yavatmal

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Mahesh nagar, Gokuldusa , Anjangaon surji .Dist Amravati.
Contact No. : 9011998402, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 28 Feb 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_059

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The word Aamvata is a combination of two words Aam and vata.Also In Aamvata Aam & Vata  are the chief pathogenic factors. The aam is carried by the aggrevated vata and gets deposited in the Shlesmsthan (Asthi , Sandhi and Aamashaya) causing Aamvata¹. The clinical features Aamvata very closely resembles with the Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, progressive autoimmune arthropathy and characterized by bilateral symmetrical involment of joints².  Aamvata is a disease of Madhyam marg ³. Current case study is carried out at L.K Ayurved Hospital, Yavatmal to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment .A 47 yrs. female came to O.P.D of Kayachikitsa  with chief complaints of Sandhiruja at both  Hastanguliparvasandhi, Manibandhsandhi, Karpursandhi, Padanguliparvasandhi, Gulfsandhi, Janu sandhi   (pain in both Interphalengeal joints of hand, wrist joint, elbow joint, Interphalengeal joints of feet, ankle joint and Knee joint ), Sandhishotha  at  both Hastanguliparvasandhi, Manibandhsandhi,  Karpursandhi, Padanguliparvasandhi, Gulfsandhi, Janu sandhi   (pain in both Interphalengeal joints of hand, wrist joint, elbow joint, Interphalengeal joints of feet , ankle joint and  Knee joint.), Angamard(bodyache),  Agni Daurbalya (loss of digestive fire), Aalasya (lethargy), Aapaka(Indigetion), Bahumutrata (frequent micturition). so she had taken Ayurvedic treatment for 25 days which include  shodhana, shamana Chikitsa. Clinical symptom were significantly reduced. The response to this treatment was recorded and therapeutic effect were evaluated through symptomatic relief.


Aamvata is discribed by Madhadhavkara⁴ .Aamvata is a disease of Asthivaha and Rasavaha Strotas.Today is the era of modernization and due changing life style, improper dietary habits, eating fast food, lack of exercise, accumulation of mala  and condition of mental stress like Kama, Krodh, Shoka, Bhaya, Chinta are the responsible factor for  Mandagni which forword leads to production of Ama in the body. The Ama is carried by the aggravated Vata and gets  deposited in Sleshmasthanas (Seats of kapha like asthi, sandhi and Aamashay) producing features like Sandhiruja (joint pain), Sandhishotha (joint swelling),Angamarda (body ache), Agni Daurbalya (loss of digestive fire), Aalasya (lethargy), Aapaka (Indigetion), Aruchi (loss of appetite), Bahumutrata (frequent micturition), Trushna (thrist),etc.⁵ The clinical features of Aamavata very closely resembles with the Rheumatoid arthritis . The typical presentation is with pain, joints swelling and stiffness  affecting the small joints of hand, feet and wrist in a symmetrical fashion, systemic symptoms like fatigue, anorexia, fever and extra articular features like anemia, etc may also occour⁶  A nti-CCP is highly specific for the diagnosis of RA. High positive predictive value should be taken into consideration for effective treatment.⁷Ayurvedic management includes Shamana chikitsa , Shodhana chikitsa (panchakarma therapy) .



Response to  treatment was recorded, and treatment effectiveness was evaluated through relief of patients' symptoms. It was observed that the patient's clinical symptoms  gradually decreased during the treatment period.

The damage of Vata Dosha and the formation of Aam together gave rise to Aamvata. Ayurveda says “Roga sravepi mandagni” i.e. most diseases are caused by Mandagni. This Mandagni is the main reason for Aam production. Improvement of Jatraagni and removal of Ama were the therapeutic goals of Aamvat along with treatment of vatahara. The above-mentioned patient came to the OPD with Vyakti Avastha, so all the medicines given to the patient have the properties of Agnivriddhikara, increase digestive power, digest Amarasa, reduce excessive production of Aama and remove obstruction of  Strotas. It helps in destroying the Samprapti of Amavata, reducing the clinical symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis..




It is concluded that this treatment completely or partially relieves symptoms in Aamvata also the insulin dose of patient is gradually reduce.These medicine can be utilised in treating patients who are suffering from amvata to reduce both sign and symptoms successfully with greater effectiveness. It is proposed that the therapy may be accepted as a treatment method of Aamvata .



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