About Author
Asole D1,Duddalwar D2,Jamdhade D3,
1 PG Scholar Kaychikitsa, Yavatmal
2 Associate Professor , Yavatmal
3 HOD & Professor , Yavatmal
Correspondence Address
Shree Hari Colony,Sai Nagar,Wardha Road,Arvi
Ta. :- Arvi , Dist:- Wardha
Contact No. : 7057865983, Email : asolevaishnavi@gmail.com
Date of Acceptance : 07 Mar 2024
Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024
Article ID : SD-IJAY_071
How to cite this article : http://doi.org/10.55552/SDNJAY.2024.2119
Kampavata is a Nanatmaja disorder of Vata according to Ayurvedic literature, and this condition may be associated with distorted Vata due to Dhatukshya vatavyadhi and Avarana (10). Ayurvedic treatment for this condition is mainly based on treating unbalanced Vata. Ayurveda offers excellent treatments of Panchkarma and Shaman Chikitsa to such patients.
In Kampavata avarana, Vata and Dhatukshaya are the main pathological processes. Charaka emphasized Srotosuddhi, Vatanulomana and Rasayana in the overall management of Avarana (5). For the first time, Vangasena Samhita (6) explained the Kampavata healing principles. It is clearly stated that Abhyanga, Swedana, Nasya, Niruha, Anuvasana, Virechana and Shirobasti are beneficial ways to increase the life of the patient. So we offer Matra Basti with Sakhcharadi tail and Nasya with Pachendriya Vardhana tail to control unbalanced Vata.
Affordable Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatments can make your life much easier and see your life expectancy increase dramatically.
Mode of Action : -
Mahayogaraj guggul helps in reducing aches, muscle aches and pains. Brahmi vati, which includes brahmi, pippali, shilajit, vanga bhasma, and abhrak bhasma, is useful in treating symptoms of depression and stimulating the central nervous system. Dashmul, Rasna is ushna, tikshna, pachak, vathna dravya. Because Kapikachu has the attributes of Dhatuvriddhikara, Vatashamaka and Shukraviddhikara (7). Therefore, it also works against degenerative processes and can be useful in the Dhatukshaya state. It also corrects the function of Indriya found in Kampavat. Additionally, Zandopa (Mucuna Pruriens) containing L-dopa, which has antiparkinsonian activity, has been prescribed (8).
The role of Basti is very important in the treatment of Kampawata (Parkinson's disease). He promotes Balu, Mansa and Shukra. These are Sadyobalyajanana and Rasayana. These are Balya, Vrishya, Sanjeevana, Chakshushya and they energize the body (9).
1) Charak Samhita, Vd. Vijay Shankar Kale, Delhi Chaukhamba Pratishthan , Edition:- 2013 , Charak Sutrasthan 20/11 , Pg. No. 301.
2) Raja Radha kant Deva, Shabdakalpadruma, Vol-4 edition, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series Varanasi, 1967; 325.
3) Davidson’s Principle & Practice of Medicine , 22nd Edition, Edited by Brain R. Walker , Stuart H. Ralston , Chapter 26 Pg. No. 1195 .
4) Harrison’s Manual Of Medicine, 19th Edition, Editor Dennis L. Kasper, MD, MA(HON) ;J.Larry Jameson,MD,PhD , Section 14 , Pg.no.976
5) Charak Samhita, Vd. Vijay Shankar Kale , Delhi Chaukhamba Pratishthan , Edition – 2013 , Charak Chikitsasthan Adhyay 28 Shlok no. 239-241 , Pg.no.709.
6) Dr. Nirmal Saxena edited Vangasena vol. I 28/155 edition, Pub: Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, 2004; 409.
7) Sharma P. V. Dravyaguna Vigyana, Chaukhambha Surbharti Academy, Varanasi, 1988.
8) Khory R.N and Katraka M.N. Materia Medica of India and their therapeutics, 1984.
9) Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, Sushrata Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Su.Ci.38/106-111.
10) Charaka Samhita:- Agnivesh Revised by Chraka and Dridhabala, Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by pt.Kashinathshastri and Dr. Gorakh Nath Chaturvedi –13th edition, Chaukhambha Sanskrit series Varanasi, 1986.