ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2023Volume - 1Issue - 2Pages - 35-41

A Systemic Literature Review of Vatarakta and Its Management through Ayurveda w.s.r. to Gout

 27 Dec 2023  620

About Author

Jaiswal D1,Dachewar D2,
1 Assistant Professor, PHD Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
2 Professor and HOD Kayachikitsa Department, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra

Correspondence Address

Dr Pritesh Jaiswal Assistant Professor, PHD Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
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Date of Acceptance : 14 Dec 2023

Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2023

Article ID : SD-IJAY_048

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In Ayurveda health means the state of Doshsamya, Agnisamya & Dhatusamya as well as wellness of Atma, Indriya & Mana. Acharya Charaka says that the man desirous of the happiness should observe rule which is related with the prevention of unborn disease and the cure of those which are already exist. Now a day, due to change in life style , people are enforced to undergo “Hetusevan “. Occurrence of Vatarakta on large scale is one of the outcomes of this modification. Vatarakta (Gout) is vata associated with Rakta which consist of swelling including burning pain in metatarsophalangeal joints initially, which then followed by the other joint resulting in inability to the walk. Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by recurrent, painful, and potentially debilitating attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis. This review article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the key aspects of vatarakta with special reference to gout. This article explores the understanding of the disease and the evolving its pathophysiology, its main sign and symptoms, factors affecting the disease, treatment strategies, and individuals seeking a deeper understanding of gout. The incidence of Gout varies in population from 0.2-3.5 per 1000 with an overall prevalence of 2 to 26 per 10001. Gout is found to have increase prevalence in recent year and in modern medicine the variety of drug like uricosuria, NSAID’S are used to treat but that medicines shows many side effect, so to find cost effective and no side effect remedy for the management of Vatarakta (Gout ) is the need of hour.                   



           Ayurveda is science of life which deals with the preventive & curative aspect of the disease. 2 In Ayurveda vatarakta is considered as a specific disease with its own pathogenesis treatment. The word ‘Vatarakta’ consist of two words Vata & Rakta. The Vata is dominant factor, so no disease can occur without Vata . The Rakta is also very important for nutrition of each & every tissue. Vatarakta is a variety of Vataroga .The disease which caused by excessively aggravated vayu & vitiated blood (Rakta) is called Vatarakta .3 The classical symptoms are – Kandu, Shawathu, Bheda, Toda, Kathinya, Sparshasahatva .4 All these symptoms from Ayurvedic texts can be compared with symptoms of Gout. Hence Vatarakta can be co-related with Gout. According to modern science Gout is a medical condition characterized by recurrent attack of acute inflammatory arthritis which mainly shows a red, tender, hot and swollen joint .5 The metatarsophalangeal joint at the base of big toe is most commonly affected. Increase in the production of uric acid is seen only 10-15 % of subject & in 50-90 % uric acid excretion is impaired 6 .In modern medicine ,the variety of drug like Uricosuria, NSAID’S are used to treat Gout . But these drugs shows various side effects like renal and hepatic toxicity, etc. So to evaluate the proper treatment showing less side effects and easy to conduct is necessary. Further study is carried for above purpose.


  • According to acharya   Jejjata , vatarakta is related to vatavyadhi in treatment. Moreover, there is also continuity of the context as well the three diseases begin with vatavyadhi ( Vatavyadhi-vatarakta-yoniroga) are primarily caused by vata. In fact vatarakta is one of the type of vatavyadhi.
  • According to Charaka, salt etc.(Lavanadi) vitiate mainly rakta while astringents etc (kashayadi) vitiate vata, thus both combined produce vatarakta. They are vitiated independently and as such etiology has been described in the same way.
  • Separate mention of fingers denotes their being particular location of the disease.
  • Charaka has described two types of vatarakta – Uttana ( Superficial) and Gambhira(deep). Sushruta has contradicted this view on the ground that the same affection being superficial at primary stage can  become deeper later. Charaka has tried to reconcile these views. In fact , Charaka doesnt say that in some cases disease stays as only superficial but at the time of beginning some start at superficial while other originates deeply. There is no other contradiction between the statements of charaka and sushruta.


A prominent diagnostic features of vatarakta is the pain & swelling in metatarsal-phalengeal joint, redness at joint, which occurs due to vata dosha & vitiated Rakta dhatu .The drugs of Vatarakta are easily available and are cost effective. They are safe because these drugs shows minimal or no adverse effects. Gout is a manageable disease at its early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of patient.


  1. U.K.Rao & V.P.Munjal. A.P.I Textbook of Medicine 8th edition volume 1, 2009, P- 285.
  2. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi.  ChaukhambaPrakashan 2013, Ch.sutrasthan 30/26.
  3. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. Chaukhamba Prakashan 2013,Charak.chikitsasthan.29/6.
  4. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan 2013,Charak chikitsasthan 29/20-21.
  5. Lax chen. & H.Ralph Schumache Harison’s Principal of Internal medicine 18th edition, volume no 2,2008.P-2837.
  6. U.K.Rao & V.P.Munjal. A.P.I Textbook of Medicine 8th edition volume 1, 2009, P- 285.
  7. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013, Charak.chikitsasthan 29/5-7.
  8. Susruta Samhita editated by Ambika Das Shastri, chaukhambaPrakashan, 2003, SU.Ni 1/40-41.
  9. Astanga Hridayam,editated by Atridev Gupta & Vaidya Yadunandana Upadhyaya,2000 A.Hr.Ni 16/1-12.
  10. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan 2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/9-10.
  11. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/16-18.
  12. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/19-20.
  13. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/20.
  14. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/21.
  15. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/24.
  16. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan29/41-42.
  17.  Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/88.
  18.  Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/36-37.
  19.  Susruta Samhita Editated by Ambika Das Shatri,ChaukhambaPrakashan 2003 Su.Chi 5/13.
  20. Chakra Datta of shri chakrapani datta.editated by Dr Indradev Tripathi, ChaukhambaPrakashan,3rd edition vatarakta chi-18 P 158.
  21. Chakra Datta of shri chakrapani datta.editated by Dr Indradev Tripathi, ChaukhambaPrakashan,3rd edition vatarakta chi-18 P 158.
  22. Bhaisajya Ratnavali,editated by shri Ambika Das Shastri,Chaukhamba Prakashan 2005 27/98-108,109-113.
  23. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/96-113,123.
  24. Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan29/57-60.
  25.  Chakra Datta of shri chakrapani datta.editated by Dr Indradev Tripathi, ChaukhambaPrakashan,3rd edition vatarakta chi.24,26-32,P 160.
  26.  Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/124,29/80.
  27.  Charaka Samhita Editated by Prof Ravi dutta Tripthi. ChaukhambaPrakashan  2013,Charak.chikitsasthan 29/131-133,29/151.
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