Hetu (causes) like Vatakarak Ahara (Vata-aggravating diet), Ativyayam and menopause age, Vata Dosha (Vyana Vayu), and Aam made by Agnimandhya have built up in the Amsa Sandhi. Together with Vata Prakopa's removal of Sandhi lubrication, this caused joint constriction, which led to Shool (pain) and Stambha (stiffness), which are the main signs of Avabahuka and are typical of Vata and Kapha, respectively. In addition, Amsa Sandhi is the seat of Kapha. Therefore, we established the therapy regimen to pacify the Vata-Kapha Dosha Dushti both internally and externally, and to address the Kha Vaigunya by strengthening the joints.
➤ Abhyanga - Has Snigdha (unctuous), Guru (heavy), and Mridu (soft) properties, which reduce the vitiation of Vata thus addressing the Kshaya (decay) in the Dhatu.
► Swedana- Is very useful for symptoms such as Sankocha (contraction or flexion), Ayama (extension), Shula (pain), Stambha (stiffness), Gaurava (heavine ss), and Supti (numbness). Swedana relieves Stambha (stiffness), Gaurava (heaviness), Seeta (coldness), and induces Sweda (sweating).
➤ MANYABASTI- Help with blood circulation. Nourishes and strengthens the neck muscles and tendons; hence, it increases the flexibility and mobility of the neck. Relieves pain, swelling, redness, and stiffness.
► Viddhakarma- The procedure involves inserting a needle into the skin. Acharya Vagbhta describes two significant aspects that occur during vata dosha ventilation: Dhatu Kshaya (degenerative pathology) and Avarana (obstructive pathology). Suchivedhana expels the vitiate dosha from the body and eliminates the Avarana of the vatadi dosha, providing immediate pain relief. Avabahuka's sampratibhanga also lessened stiffness in the subsequent repeating settings. The blockage is removed, allowing for good circulation around the shoulder joint. Sira carries Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and Rakta (doshas). When we perform Rakta (blood) through any kind of Raktamokshana, the majority of vitiated Doshas are discharged.
Suchivedan- The majority of tender sites are associated with central filaments, which are also responsible for conveying pain impulses. In Avabahuka, we disrupted the route responsible for the production of pain.
► Physiotherapy-Specific exercises will help restore mation.
► Therapy includes stretching or range of motion exercises for the shoulder.
► Sometimes heat is used to help loosen the shoulder up before the stretching exercises.
After panchkarma, chikitsa shaman drugs should be administered. They can be given as single drugs or compound drugs. The drugs used in this treatment are vaathar, vaatanulomak, and aam pachak.
Triphala Guggul
Is an old Ayurvedic mixture of herbs that gives you the benefits of Triphala, Pippali, and Guggulu all at once. Guggul is beneficial for reducing inflammation, while Triphala helps with detoxification and going to the toilet. When pippali is added, it gives the mixture strong stomach properties.
Punarnava Guggul
Punarnava guggul helps reduce the inflammation occurred due to Vata Dosha and also useful to promote strength of bones and joints. It acts as an excellent anti inflammatory, analgesic medicine
Ras-immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it effective in reducing joint inflammation and pain. Tablets is made with heavy metals and works as alterative, diuretic and analgesic medicine.
Arogyavardhini vati
By improving the digestive system, Arogyavardhini vati boosts the digestive fire, clears the body's pathways for nutrients to reach the tissues, regulates fats, and eliminates toxins. By managing all three doshas, Arogyavardhini vati makes health better all around.
► Dashmul bharad kwath-
As a potent immunomodulator. Analgesic nervine, and it helps to direct the Vata doshas in the body to flow downward and alleviates most nervine disorders associated with weakness, debility and pain.
► Swadisht virechan churn- Swadishta virechan churn used as vaatanulomak and balance vata.