ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 3Pages - 45-50


 16 Aug 2024  72

About Author

Bhange D1,Jamdhale D2,Duddhalwar D3,Jamdhale D4,
1 PG scholar, Kay chikitsa department ,DMM Ayurved college yavatmal
2 Proffesor and HOD, Kaychikitsa Department DMMAM Yavtmal
3 Associate professor, Kaychikitsa Department DMMAM Yavtmal
4 Assistance professor, Dravyaguna Department DMMAM Yavtmal

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Vaidya Nagar ,Dr Belsare hospital behind Arni road , yavatmal
Contact No. : 9766056191, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 05 Sep 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Sep 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_103

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Gridhrasi, one of the most common disorders, is characterised by pain that affects leg movement, particularly in middle age, and low back pain that interferes with daily routine activities. Gridhrasi is characterised by discomfort associated with sciatic pain. The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of Ayurvedic management. The symptoms of sciatica align with those of Gridhrasi. Sciatica is a painful condition that hinders normal activities by preventing normal sitting or walking. It hurts the lower back most of the time. It spreads to the area around the sacroiliac joint, Feet, thighs, and legs. Irritation of the spinal nerve roots associated with the herniated disc L4-L5 or L5-S1 causes sciatica. Yavatmal Ayurvedic Hospital evaluates the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatments. A 38-year-old female patient came to our hospital with severe left leg pain radiating to the toe, difficulty in walking, and difficulty in sitting. She underwent an Ayurvedic treatment with Shaman Chikitsa for a duration of one month. A satisfactory result was achieved. We recorded the response to the treatment and assessed its effectiveness through symptom relief.

KEY WORDS:-  Gridhrasi, Low back, Sciatica, Shaman chikitsa, Vaam vaatkaphaj Gridhrasi


Gridhrasi is mentioned in Ayurveda under the umbrella of Vataj Vyadhi. Make the walking pattern like a vulture. It is a pain-dominant disease and reduces daily activity considerably in terms of personal as well as social and professional life. The movement of the leg, particularly in middle age, is low back pain. One of the main causes of low backache is the intervertebral disc prolapse (IVDP).1 The IVDP means the protrusion from the nucleus pulposus of vertebrae through a sentinel within the annulus fibrosus.2 In 95% of the lumbar disc herniation, L4-L5 and L5-S1 discs are most commonly affected.3 It is a pain-dominant lifestyle disorder affect of both of sex.In the case of Dhatukshyjanya Gridhrasi, there is damage to the sciatic nerve, while in the case of Margavrodhjanya Gridhrasi, there is compression and obstruction in the path of the sciatic nerve, and pain starts. In modern science, it is called a neurological, neuromuscular disorder. L4-L5 and S1-S2-S3 nerve roots come out and come together to form the sciatic nerve. The disease of sciatica occurs due to compression, obstruction, etc. in this nerve. Numbness and tingling sensation are also symptoms found in the sciatica word. Gridhrasi suggests that the patient's gait due to the pain resembles that of a Grudhra (eagle). The lower back, hips, knees, and legs all feel pain that starts in the gluteal area. The cardinal signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi are Ruk (pain). Toda (pricking sensation), Muhurspandan (tingling sensation), Stambha (stiffness) in the Sphik, Kati, Uru, Jangha, and Pada in order 4, and Sakthikshepanigraha (i.e.restriction in upward lifting of lower limbs).5 In Gridhrasi. As long as Kapha is linked to Vata6, Tandra (drowsiness), Gaurav (heaviness), and Aruchi (anorexia) may be present. 

sciatic nerve: from the lower back to the buttocks, lateral side of legs and down to foot


The chikitsa sutra of Gridhrsi encompasses Basti karma, Siravyedha, Agnikrama, and Shaman Chikitsa. We can divide the planned protocol for this patient into two parts: Shodhana and Shaman Chikitsa. In this case study, Kati Basti was given for 8 days , while Siravyedha was done above gulfa sandhi. Ayurveda claims that the presence of vaat dosha causes shula (pain). Mahayograj guggulu treats joint disorders, including muscle, bone, joint pain, and stiffness. Local Snehan & Swedan are renowned for their effectiveness and speedy results, as they alleviate pain and stiffness in the lumbar region associated with these diseases.
Vata Vidhwans Ras helps strengthen muscles, dealing with bone-related disorders.
The patient receives Kukkutandtwak Bhasma, which is effective in treating Asthi and sandhi gat vaat and reduces degenerative changes. It is rich in calcium and aids in the treatment of joint and bone-related disorders.Ekangvir Ras contains Ras Sindur, Sudha Gandhak, Kant Loh Bhasma, Nag Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma, Loh Bhasma, Triphala Ras, Trikata Ras, Chitrak Ras, Amla, Bhringraj Ras, Ginger, and other herbs which Improve immunity, used for managing excessive blood sugar level in cases of diabetes,improve nerve function, reduce inflammation, and promote nerve degeneration. Satvik Oil and Rhumark Oil help with joint pains, and they are also useful in vaat dosha. Anulomak is useful in digesting the apakav, i.e., undigested mala, and removing vaat dosha. Lepam treatment is also anti-inflammatory and helps to provide relief from pain.

For eight days, the patient receives Kati Basti treatment. Kati basti refers to the process of periodically filling the lumbar vertebrae with a specific oil. It is beneficial for reducing lower back pain, as it nourishes the muscles and bones of the back and vertebrae, alleviating symptoms such as tingling, numbness in the feet, and deafness. In Siravyedha, the body removes contaminated or impure blood by piercing a specific vein. This process flushes out the contaminated blood and provides instant relief from severe pain.


In this case study can be concluded that treatment of Gridhrasi can be successfully managed through Ayurvedic treatment of Shaman Aushadhi, Panchakarma, giving patients a satisfactory result without side effects.


1. Walker B, Colledge N, Ralston S. Penman I, editors. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. 22nd ed. Chapter 25. New York: Churchill Livingstone: 2014. p. 1072-3.

2. Kasper DL, Longe DL, Fauci AS Hauser SL, Jameson JL. Braunwald E, editors. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 18th ed. Chapter 15. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division: 2011. p. 133.

3. PIVD and Herniated Dise Exercises Available from: http://www. [Last accessed on 2017 Jun 03

4. Sharma PV, editor. Chikitsasthana: Vatavyadhichikitsa Adhyaya.Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha. 8th ed. Chapter 28, Verse 50. Varanasi, India: Chaukhamba Orientalia: 2007. p. 466. 9. Sharma PV, editor. Nidanasthana, Vatavyadhi Nidana Adhyaya. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita. Chapter 1. Verse 74. Varanasi. India:

5. Chaukhambha Visvabhamti, 2005. p. 15. 10. 4. Sharma PV, editor. Chikitsasthana: Vatavyadhichikitsa Adhyaya.Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha. 8th ed. Chapter 28, Verse 50. Varanasi, India: Chaukhamba Orientalia: 2007. p. 466.

6. Sharma PV, editor. Nidanasthana, Vatavyadhi Nidana Adhyaya. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita. Chapter 1. Verse 74. Varanasi. India Chaukhambha Visvabhamti, 2005. p. 15.

7. Sharma PV, editor. Chikitsasthana, Vatavsadhichikitsa Adhyaya. Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha. 8th ed. Chapter 28, Verse 57.Varanasi, India: Chaukhamba Orientalia: 2007. p. 466

8. Sushrut samhita of maharshi sushrut, edited with ayurved tatva sandipika,hindi commentary, scientific analysis notes etc. Forwarded by Dr.Pranajivana manekchanda Mehta Part 1, Chaukhamba sanskrit Sansthan,Varanasi,Sutra Sthan Adhyay 21,Page number 121, Shloka number 36.

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