ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 120-125

A role of ayurvedic management in Katigraha w.s.r. to Lumber Spondylosis.- A case study

 03 Mar 2024  346

About Author

Shelar D1,Jamdhade D2,Duddalwar D3,Jamdhade D4,
1 BAMS MD(kayachikitsa), Yawatmal
2 HOD professor , Yawatmal
3 Associate professor , Yawatmal
4 Assistant professor ;Dravyaguna vibhag, Yawatmal

Correspondence Address

DMM Ayurved college yawatmal.
Contact No. : 7709758644, Email :

Date of Acceptance : 06 Mar 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_069

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Katigraha is the most common type of problem the present world is facing. The typical site of pain is the lower lumbar region which expressed as ‘Lumbar Spondylosis'. Lumbar Spondylos is cover’s degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritic changes in the lumbar spine.

Current case study is carried out at L.K. Ayurvedic Hospital, Yawatmal to evaluate the efficiency of ayurvedic treatment. A 63 years old female with history of fall & hip bone fracture &Lumbar Spondylosis. Patient had severe pain in lower back on turning lateral side and difficulty in bending forward with this difficulty in routine work. So she had taken ayurvedic treatment for 1 moth which includes Shaman and Panchakarma chikitsa.

The response to the treatment was recorded and therapeutic effect were evaluated through symptomatic relief. Clinical symptoms were significantly reduced and grade of bending forward      reduced from 4 to 2.


Kati, Shroni, Trika are synonyms in Ayurvedic classics and usually refer to the lumbar region. Lumbar spondylosis may be correlated with Katigraha depending on the nature of the client's disease. Katigraha, an independent disease, was first described in Gadnigraha of the Vatavyadhi chapter and the same explanation is also possible in Bhavprakasha. Vata dosha with or without Ama dosha is located in Katipradesh (lumbar region) and causes pain and stiffness in this area.

Lumbar spondylosis is a very common health problem among rural and urban populations. The intervertebral discs and associated joints of the lumbar spine are described. Lumbar spondylosis may initially cause no symptoms, but when symptoms do develop, pain can range from mild to severe. The word “Katigraha” comes from the combination of two words “Kati” and “Graham”. all. “Kati comes from “Sarira Avaiva Vishesh”. The word "Kati" in "Amara Kosha" means "katau Vatravarunam " which means a body part covered with an object. “Graha” means “to catch.” It comes from dhatu (Graha Upadane), the one who provides support.  Katigraha thus refers to a painful condition in the lower back associated with pain and stiffness.


•    Responses to treatment were recorded, and treatment effectiveness was evaluated   through relief of the patient's symptoms. It was observed that the patient's clinical   symptoms gradually decreased during the treatment period.

•     According to Ayurveda, Shula (pain) is caused by the presence of Vata dosha. Vata dosha becomes distorted due to Strottasb Avarodhata (channel blockage). Therefore, the goal of  treatment is to soothe the spoiled cotton wool.

•     ince these diseases cause pain and stiffness in the lumbar region, the topical method of  Snehan and Swedana is considered very effective and gives quick results. Kati basti is a type of snigdha swedana that involves direct contact with the painful area. Basti is said to be the best treatment for Katigraha along with Matrabasti which is used for Anulomana Vata dosha.

•  Nternal Ayurvedic medicines such as Punarnava Guggul, which contains drugs such as Guggul, Ginger Guggul, Nishot, Punarnva, Amalki, Pippali, Marich, etc. have anti- inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties.

•    Wat Vidhwans Ras contains ras-dravyas such as Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Naga         Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Loha Bhasma, etc. Reduces joint pain.

•      Satvik Oil helps in nourishment of joints which involves in Katigraha (Lumbar Spondylosis).

Probable Mode of Action :-  All medicine which are given in these patient are Vata Shamak which helps to reduce pain and stiffness related with Katigraha (Lumbar Spondylosis). Calcium rich medicine helps to overcome the degeneration associated with Katigraha (Lumbar Spondylosis).


This treatment was concluded to provide complete or partial relief of the symptoms of kathigrahi (lumbar spondylosis). These drugs can be used in the treatment of patients  suffering from Katigraha to successfully reduce both signs and symptoms  with greater effectiveness. It is suggested that this treatment could be adopted as a treatment method for kathigrahi (lumbar spondylosis).


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