Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 60-67
A role of Ayurvedic management in Dakshin Vatakaphaj Grudhrasi w.s.r. to Sciatica A Case Study
22 Feb 2024
About Author
Shrirang D1,Jaiswal D2,Jamdhade D3,Duddalwar D4,
1 PG Scholar, Yavatmal
2 PG Guide and Professor (Kayachikitsa) , Yavatmal
3 HOD and Professor (Kayachikitsa)), Yavatmal
4 Associate Professor , Yavatmal
Correspondence Address
Contact No. : 9657141595, Email :
Date of Acceptance : 28 Feb 2024
Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024
Article ID : SD-IJAY_061
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Grudhasi is a painful condition that makes it difficult to perform normal activities due to the inability to sit or walk normally. The pain usually starts in the lower back. It radiates to the sacroiliac joint area. Thighs, calves, feet. Sciatica is a symptom, not a diagnosis. It is caused by irritation of the spinal nerve roots associated with the herniated disc L4-L5 or L5-S1. Ayurvedic Hospital, Yavatmal evaluates the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatments. A 40-year-old male patient visited our hospital with severe discomfort in his right calf and foot and difficulty walking (Paadshul). So he underwent Ayurvedic treatment involving Shaman and Panchkarma Chikitsa for one month. Response to treatment was recorded and treatment effectiveness assessed through symptom relief. Clinical symptoms decreased significantly, and pain also decreased from 4 to 2.
“The word Grudrasi suggests that the patient's gait due to the pain resembles that of a Grudr (eagle). The pain begins in the gluteal region and spreads to the lower back, hips, knees and legs.
Nowadays people are leading a sedentary lifestyle. They prefer junk food over healthy food. Work patterns such as night shifts, daily business trips, sitting for long periods of time, and lack of exercise do not change. People do not follow Dincharya, Rutucharya. This causes an imbalance in the tridosha, which has various effects on the body, causing millions of people around the world to suffer from back pain, pain in one leg and restricted leg movement. I love these acute and chronic conditions.
In modern terms, sciatica refers to pain caused by irritation, inflammation, or compression of the sciatic nerve in the lower back. Patients experience mild to severe pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve: from the lower back to the buttocks, buttocks, legs and down the feet. Numbness and numbness appear in the legs, feet, and toes.
- Main causative factor of Grudhrasi is vitiation of vaat dosha and kapha dosha.
- In charak samhita Grudhrasi is described as snehan and swedan sadhya vyadhi.
- In this case study valuka pottali and 8 days matrabasti with til tail was given to the patient
- In this case study shanshman and shodhan chikitsa was given to the patient for 1 month and patient had significant improvement in the symptoms like sakasht chankraman,paad shool,sakasht kriya,dakshin Katishul.
Sanchaya and Prakopa⁷When a person is exposed to etiological factor like ruksha,shita , laghu aahar(i.e shit jal,Aatap sevan,etc.)that leads to tridosha drushti and Vaat drushti in sanchaya and Prakopa avastha.Prasara:-In this stage vitiated vaat dosha gets prasara to vaat sthana producing mild symptoms like pain.Sathan sanshray:-In this stage vitiated vaat dosha gets accumulated in vaat sthana like Kati,asthi ,pakwashay and produces symptoms like ruka ,sthambha,toda at kati and paad sthana which can be considered as purva rupa of this disease.Vyakti:-In this stage most of the symptoms of disease produces like Katishul, Paadshool, radiating pain,Sakasht chankraman,etc Bhed:-In this staged we differentiate the disease from other diseases like katigraha on the basis of symptoms.
Probable mode of action
- Response to the treatment was recorded and therapeutic effect were evaluated by symptomatic relief of the patient. It was observed that the patient clinical symptoms were reduced gradually during the treatment period.
- According to the Ayurveda Shoola (Pain) occurs due to vitiation of Vata dosha. Vata dosha is vitiated by strotas Awarodhata(Obstruction of channels), So the aim of the treatment is to pacify vitiated vata.
- In these disease pain and stiffness is found to be present at lumbar region, therefore local Snehan & Swedan are clamed to be very effective and provide quick results. with this Matrabasti is used for Anuloman of Vata dosha⁶.
- Vat Vidhwans Ras contents ras dravya like Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Naga Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Loha Bhasma etc. which reduce joint pain.
- Kukkutandtwak Bhasma given to the patient which is helpful in the improvement of calcium and reduces degenerative changes.
- Ekangvir Ras contains Ras Sindoor, Sudha Gandhik, Kant Loh Bhasma, Nag Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma, Loh Bhasma, Triphala Ras, Trikuta Ras, Chitrak Ras, Amla, Bhringraj Ras, Ginger and other famous herbs. These components are a natural source of calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients that nourish bone structures and relieve patient pain..
- Satvik Oil and Rhumark Oil helps in nourishment of joints which involves in grudrasi
- Matra basti is administered to the patient for 8 days along with cultivation, basti chikitsa is considered as ardh chikitsa. i.e. half treatment and shresh chikitsa to soothe aggravated vaata, basti dravya inserted into the rectum may act by stimulating peristalsis. . Because the rectum has a rich blood supply, basti is as likely to penetrate the rectal mucosa as other lipid membranes. The absorbed portion from the upper part of the rectal mucosa is transported into the portal circulation via the superior hemorrhoidal vein. What is absorbed from the lower rectum enters directly into the systemic circulation via the middle and lower pubic veins.
From this case study it can be conclude that ayurvedic oral medicine along with panchkarma chikitsa can be effective and relive pain in Grudhrasi .There were no adverse affect found during treatment .It is proposed that the therapy may be accepted as a treatment method of Grudhrasi.
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5. Case_ Study_Grudhrasi
6. Charak samhita of agnivesa elaborate by caraka and Redacted by Drdhabala Volume 1, Edited with Vaidyamanorama hindi commentary along with special deliberation Acharya Vidyadhar Shukla prof.Ravi Dutt Tripathi Forewarded by aacharya pri vrata Sharma, Chaukhamba sanskrit pratishthan Delhi,Sutra sthan chapter 13 Snehadyaya,Shloka number 58.
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