In Ayurveda, Kasha Disease is defined as irregular nutrition. Karshya disease is described in detail by Charak in Astoninditiya Adhaya; This disease is considered as an evil phenomenon and hence Karshya is recommended for treatment and management principles as it is subject to many other diseases. Sushruta also considered Karshya to be a state of medical deficiency. The role of Rasa in Karshya history is explained. The working hours of Dhatukṣhaya, Ojakṣhaya and Balakṣhaya are stated. This treatment should be treated using the classical treatment mentioned above. Dhatukṣhaya supports the concept of due immunity. The effects of Langana are mentioned in Astanga Hridaya Karshya. Following Sushruta, Astanga Hṛidaya also suggested the treatment of Brimhan. Brimhan's treatment is specified in the treatment plan. Sarangadhar joins Karshya in Nanatmaja Vatavyadhi. In Bhav Prakash, Kasha is described as a separate chapter. Karshyaroga is mentioned in Yogaratnakar's Medoroganida. Rukshannapan, Langhana, Promitasan, Kriyati Yoga, Shok, Vegadharan, Nidranigraha, Ruksha udvartan, Atisnanabhayasa, Prakṛitijara, Ati Vyayama, Ati Vyavaya, Dhyana, Adhyana.
Kashaya rasa, Vatalaaharaseban, Kshudanigraha, Pipashanigraha, Krodh and Vikaraanusaya are Kashaya factors in etiology. These factors are divided into nutritional, behavioral, medical, psychological, and iatrogenic factors as defined in the disease investigation. All these conditions cause Vayu to become corrupted. Disruption of Vayu causes Upososhan of Rasa Dhatu in Pachakagni and Dhatavagni stages. Loss of exaggerated Rukshaguna of Vayu, Ushnaguna of Pitta and Snigdhaguna of Kapha leads to Soshankarya of Rasa Dhatu at the level of Jatharagni. So Rasa dhatu is not established properly. The main functions of Rasa dhatu are Tusti and Prinan; This means that Rasa dhatu provides nourishment to the advancing Dhatus. This function is blocked. The formation of Ama in the Dhatavagni stage affects the ultimate absorption and metabolism of Rasa dhatu. Poor functioning of Vyanvayu in Karshya leads to changes and malfunctions as a result of metabolic activity, which together lead to changes in the level of digestion, absorption and metabolism of Jatharagni and Dhatavagni, so that the production of Dhatus and food cannot be stored. timely action. This may cause malnutrition in Kasha patients. As a result of malnutrition, there is a loss of fibrous muscle content in the legs. Fatty diet and obesity cause loss of fat tissue. Patients suffer from weak bodies and skin disease, cough disease, respiratory disease, Kṣhaya, Gulma, Arsha, Udar, Grahani, Vataroga, Agnisad, Raktapitta etc. He suffers from many diseases such as.
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25.Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Srikantha Murthya.K.R, Vol 1, 1st Edition, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 2000 : pp 108
26.Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha, Acharya Vidyadhar Shukla, Prof.Ravi Dutt Tripathi, Vol I, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, 2005 : Pp 304
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