ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 2Pages - 124-131


 09 Jun 2024  149

About Author

More D1,Deshmukh D2,
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita Siddhant & Sanskrit, Late B. V. Kale Ayurved Medical College & Hospital, Latur
2 Professor & HOD, Department of Agadtantra evum Vidhivaidyaka, Pa. Pu. Gurumauli Annasaheb More Ayurved College, Majalgaon, Beed

Correspondence Address

Manjara Charitable Trust’s Late. B. V. Kale Ayurved
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Behind Bus Stand, Gandhi Maidan, Latur – 413512
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Date of Acceptance : 11 Jun 2024

Date of Publication : 29 Jun 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_093

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Yukti is one of the important theories of Charakasamhita. It is one of the basic concepts of Charaksamhita. Yukti is referred to as pariksha, or examination; that is, yukti pariksha is related to the examination of an asat, or indirect subject. In Darshana Shatra, Yukti is compared to Pramana. Pramana is an instrument or subject by whom matter or any text is proved. Yukti is necessary to achieve success; achievement depends on strategies. Yukti is a plan for attaining a particular goal. Yukti is a plan that is executed. Intellectual thinking is important in practical terms. Yukti is helpful to achieve success in Chikitsa.


Ayurveda is the science of medicine. The literature of Ayurveda includes many treatises. Charakasamhita is an important treatise among them. In this scripture, many theoretical topics are described. While studying Ayurveda texts, one has to study other theories like philosophy, Darshan Shastra, Sanskrit, etc. As it is the science of medicine, to succeed in therapy, the study of basic siddhantas is necessary. So an attempt has been made to study yukti in Charakasamhita. Yukti is a common word in conversation. Knowledge of any subject is obtained by yukti, or examination. We can call it a tool, a measure, or a plan. In Sanskrit, yukti is a yojana, or combination of many things, concepts, and theories.


For sharira dosha yuktivyapashraya chikitsa is described. Yuktibahya medicine should not accept by person for longevity and health. Yukti depends on matra and kala and success depends on Yukti. Yuktidnya is superior to dravyadnyanvit. Yuktidnya is one of the qualities of physician. Due to vidnyata ,shashita and Yokta quality vaidya is important among chatushpada. Yukti is one of the attributes used in processing and prescribing of drugs. Things not perceiving directely are unlimited and can be perceived by yukti, agam and anumana. Four means (pariksha) of getting true knowledge are apta,pratyaksha,anumana, yukti. Growth of crop, formation of embryo, production of fire and cure of disease are obtained by combination of reasons. Yukti is valid for past, present, future and fulfill dharma, artha ,kam. Reasoning (yukti) supports rebirth. Three upastambha well regulated (yuktiyukta) helpful till the full span of life.Yuktikruta (bala) is achieved by diet, rest exercise, and rejuvenators. Bhava and abhava depends on yukti.Yuktivyapashraya (therapy based on reasoning) is type of chikitsa.Yuktiyukta samshodhana (proper elimination therapy) in time have so many advantages. A drug is used in specific condition and situation that is use of drug (pharmacodynamics) depends on yukti. In nidanasthana,it is described that therapies For sharira dosha yuktivyapashraya chikitsa is described. Yuktibahya medicine should not accept by person for longevity and health. Yukti depends on matra and kala and success depends on Yukti. Yuktidnya is superior to dravyadnyanvit. Yuktidnya is one of the qualities of physician. Due to vidnyata, shashita and Yokta quality vaidya is important among chatushpada. Yukti is one of the attributes used in processing and prescribing of drugs. Things not perceiving directely are unlimited and can be perceived by yukti, agam and anumana. Four means (pariksha) of getting true knowledge are apta,pratyaksha,anumana, yukti. Growth of crop, formation of embryo, production of fire and cure of disease are obtained by combination of reasons. Yukti is valid for past, present, future and fulfill dharma, artha ,kam. Reasoning (yukti) supports rebirth. Three upastambha well regulated (yuktiyukta) helpful till the full span of life.Yuktikruta (bala) is achieved by diet, rest exercise, and rejuvenators. Bhava and abhava depends on yukti.Yuktivyapashraya (therapy based on reasoning) is type of chikitsa.Yuktiyukta samshodhana (proper elimination therapy) in time have so many advantages. A drug is used in specific condition and situation that is use of drug (pharmacodynamics) depends on yukti. In nidanasthana,it is described that therapies should be given with yukti.With the help of anumana indirect knowledge can be achieved and anuman (inference is the indirect knowledge based on reasoning (yukti).Elimination therapies in krimi done with yukti.With the help of yukti vaidya is able to treat the disease in past, present and future. With the help of yukti, vaidya is able for additions and deletions of drugs.Management of diseases due to excessive use of yapana basti should be done with yukti. Yoga is tantrayukti which is helpful to explain theory by putting different words together. Tantrayuktis are helpful in assistance of understanding other treatise.


Yuktivyapashraya is a type of chikitsa. Yuktibahya medicine is not good. Success depends on yukti; yuktidnya is superior to other vaidya. Yuktidnya is a quality of vaidya. Vaidya can prescribe identical medicines that are not described in the text with Yukti. Yokta is a quality of vaidya. When a vaidya uses his good intelligence (suyukta chikitsa), he avoids making mistakes based on his scriptural knowledge and his own intelligence. Yukti perceives things as indirect. Yukti is Pariksha. Reasoning serves as a source of knowledge by combining numerous factors. Yukti is the result of a combination of multiple factors, valid for trikala and helpful in achieving trivarga. Yukti is in favour of unarjanma. Three upastambhas applied with the help of Yuktiyukta for the full span of their lives. Bhav and Abhav depend on Yukti. Yuktivyapashraya Chikitsa includes a proper diet and medicines. Yuktiyukta Sanshodhana has many advantages. We should choose the medicine based on the effectiveness (yukti) of its administration and the specific therapeutic need. Yukti is paradi guna, also called chikitsa siddhi upayabhuta guna. In Jwara, it is important to administer therapies using yukti. Anuman is indirect knowledge based on yukti (reasoning). Krumichikitsa elimination is done with yukti. Yukti Trikala aids in the treatment of Vedana. The combination (yojana, or yukti) of shad and dhatu forms the embryo. While selecting medicines, intelligent vaidya uses yukti for drug additions and deletions. Yukti is useful in the management of diseases caused by excess yapana basti. Yojana, a combination of various words, is a form of yoga. Tantra yukti is useful for explaining different angles of theory. With the aid of tantra yukti, Yuktidnya Vaidya, possessing a strong understanding, is able to comprehend various treatises within a single treaty. Tantra yuktis assist the physician in comprehending the meaning of the treatise's statements.

Therefore, we have made an effort to compile all references to Yukti in Charakasamhita. When merging references, it is possible to mistakenly leave out a reference.


1.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 1/57,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.41

2.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 1/58,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.43

3.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 1/126/127,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.60

4.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 2/16,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.68

5.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 2/36,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.73

6.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 4/20,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.101

7.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 9/10,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.187

8.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 9/24,25,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.190

9.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/7,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.205

10.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/17,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.210

11.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/23,24,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.213

12.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/25,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.213

13.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/32,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.218

14.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/35,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.220

15.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/36,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.220

16.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/43,44,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.226

17.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 11/54,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.231

18.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 16/19,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.303

19.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 26/12,,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.453

20.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 1 ,Caraka Samhita sutrasthana 26/13,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.454

21.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 2 ,Caraka Samhita nidana sthana 1/36, edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.30

22.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 2 ,Caraka Samhita vimana sthana 4/4 edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.161,162

23.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 2 ,Caraka Samhita vimana sthana 7/18 edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.206

24.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 2 ,Caraka Samhita vimana sthana 8/87 edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.256,257

25.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 2 ,Caraka Samhita sharira  sthana 1/86 edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.334

26.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 2 ,Caraka Samhita sharira  sthana 4/6 ,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.388

27.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 2 ,Caraka Samhita vimana  sthana 8/149 ,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.305

28.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 6,Caraka Samhita siddhisthana 12/30-32,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.432

29.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 6,Caraka Samhita siddhisthana 12/41,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.436

30.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 6,Caraka Samhita siddhisthana 12/47,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.445

31.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 6,Caraka Samhita siddhisthana 12/48,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.445

32.Dr Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash,volume 6,Caraka Samhita siddhisthana 12/46-47,edition reprint-2018,Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, p.445

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