ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 4Pages - 35-45

A Comprehensive Review of Sthaulya with special reference to Obesity

 10 Dec 2024  274

About Author

Kapgate D1,Kumre D2,Dachewar D3,
1 PG Scholar of Kayachikitsa Department, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
2 Guide & Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
3 HOD & Professor Kayachikitsa Department, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra

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Shri Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Nagpur
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Date of Acceptance : 28 Dec 2024

Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_119

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Purpose: Obesity is characterised by an excessive accumulation of body fat, typically 20% or more above an individual's ideal body weight. In Ayurveda, this condition is referred to as Medo Roga or Sthaulya. The root cause of obesity lies in the overconsumption of fatty and fried foods, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, which results in the deposition of excess fat within the body's channels (Srotas). Ayurvedic management involves a combination of internal medicines and detoxification therapies (Shodhana), which are tailored based on the specific imbalance of Doshas. Procedures such as Vamana (therapeutic emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (medicated enema), and Udvartana (herbal powder massage) are employed effectively to address obesity. Alongside therapies, proper dietary management (Pathya-Apathya) and lifestyle modifications play a critical role in achieving sustainable results. Obesity (Sthaulya) serves as a precursor to several health issues, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and psychological conditions such as stress. It significantly contributes to higher rate Despite its prevalence, obesity remains one of the most overlooked public health challenges globally.

Despite its prevalence, obesity Interestingly, its prevalence varies Interestingly, its prevalence varies based on socio-economic factors—being more common among the less educated in affluent nations, whereas in developing countries, dictionaries, Sthaulyais classified under Santa In Ayurvedic texts, Sthaulya is classified under Santarpanajanya Vikara (diseases caused by over-nourishment) and is associated with a The Ayurvedic approach focuses not only on eliminating the root causes of obesity but also on restoring the balance of the doshas to ensure overall health and well-being.

KEY WORDS:-  Obesity, Sthaulya, Lifestyle disorder, Shodhan, Shaman


In Ayurveda, Sthaulya (obesity) is defined as the excessive accumulation of Meda (fat tissue) and Mamsa (muscle tissue), resulting in a pendulous appearance of the hips, abdomen, and breasts. Various Acharyas (ancient Ayurvedic scholars) have described this condition in detail. Acharya Charaka classified Sthaulya under the Ashtanin ditapurusha(1), the eight undesirable or unwholesome types Charaka classified Sthaulya under the Ashtanin ditapurusha of individuals. It is also categorised under Santarpanajanya Roga (2), which refers to diseases caused by over-nourishment. Charaka identified Ati-Sthaulya(3) (excessive obesity) as one of these eight conditions (Ashtaninditiyapurusha). Additionally, Acharya Charaka mentioned Sthaulyas theas frequent or excessive consumption part of Maharogadhya(4), emphasising its significance as a major health concern. ion of foods that increase Kapha Dosha, a sedentaryAdditionally, the primary causes include.

In modern science, obesity is defined as the excessive accumulation of body fat (adiposesedentary lifestyle, and a lack of both mental and physical activity. to a degree that it adversely affects health. Sthaulya (obesity Sthoulyamay also arise due to Beeja Dosha, which refers to hereditary or genetic factors come a significant burden on global healthcare, particularly among non-communicable diseases.(5) It is prevalent in both developed and developing countries due to changes in lifestyle and working conditions. Obesity has emerged as a major public health challenge in developing nations like India. According to a 2016 global estimate by the World Health Organisation (WHO), over 1.9 billion adults aged 18 years and older were classified as overweight. Of these, approximately 650 million adults were identified as obese.(6)

Controlling body weight fundamentally involves maintaining a long-term balance between the calories consumed and the calories burned. While some 2 individuals manage to achieve this balance without much conscious effort, the rising rates of overweight and obesity in modern society suggest that weight management is challenging for many. Therefore, it’s essential for individuals to develop effective strategies and techniques to successfully manage their body weight. The prevalence of Santarpanottha Vikaras (diseases resulting from excessive nutrition) is on the rise. Among the contributing factors, Medodushti (disorders of fat metabolism) plays a significant role in various health issues. Ayurveda offers numerous effective medicines and therapies documented in classical texts for the treatment of Sthaulya (obesity).


In Ayurveda, the management of Sthaulya (obesity) involves two primary therapeutic approaches:


  1. Shodhana(PurificationTherapy):


  1. Shamana(PacifyingTherapy):

The substances (Dravya) used for treating Sthaulya typically possess Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter), and Kashaya (astringent) tastes, along with Lekhana (scraping) properties. Most of the therapeutic agents used exhibit Kaphahara (Kapha-reducing), Vatahara (Vata-pacifying), and Medohara (fat-reducing) actions. These herbs and formulations improved digestion and prevented the formation of Ama (toxins). Pippali specifically enhances digestive strength, even in cases of ama accumulation.

Due to its Rooksha (dry) property, Udvartana (dry powder massage) effectively clears blockages within the Srotas (body channels). Additionally, its diet adheres to the Ayurvedic treatment principle of Guru Cha Atarpana. (dry powder massage) is effective in clearing blockages within the Srotas (body channels) due to its Rooksha (dry) property. The diet adheres to the Ayurvedic treatment principle of Guru Cha Atarpana. Navaka Guggulu, a formulation containing Trikatu (Pippali, Maricha, Shunthi), Triphala (Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki), Chitraka, Musta, and Vidanga, demonstrates multiple. multiple. GugguluactsasaRasayana (rejuvenative)

and possesses Lekhana (scraping) effects, reducing Meda (fat), Kapha, Ama, and Vata. Triphala is particularly effective in decreasing Kleda (moisture), Meda, Kapha, and Vata. TriphalaisYoga plays a vital role in normalising fat metabolism; improYoga and pranayama play energy utilisation and promote overall physical and mental well-being. Exercise enhances the function of Dhatavagni (metabolic fire responsible for tissue metabolism), mobilises Medodhatu (fat tissue), and helps in achieving a well-toned and fit body.


Substances (Dravya) with Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter), and Kashaya (astringent) tastes, along with Lekhana (scraping) properties, are effective in drying and removing liquefied ordetoxified Kapha and Meda (fat tissue). KaphaandMost of these drugs exhibit Kaphahara (Kapha-reducing), Vatahara (Vata-pacifying), and Medohara (fat-reducing) actions. These properties support digestion and prevent Ama (toxins) formation. Pranayama helps in eliminating aggravated Kapha Dosha, reducing impaired Medoagni (fat metabolism), and correcting Ama Dosha. It also addresses Dhatvagni Mandya (weakened metabolic fire), thereby strengthening Medodhatvagni (fat tissue metabolism). The Laghu (light), Ushna (hot), and Teekshna (sharp) qualities of Basti (medicated enema) help clear obstructions in the Srotas (bodychannels) when absorbed through the in testinal mucosa. the intestinal mucosal cilita This facilitates the expulsion of morbid material from the entire body, effectively breaking the pathogenesis of obesity.


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Dr. A.R.V. Murthy 20 Ayurveda Tackles Obesity (Sthoulya) – A Lifestyle Disorder ISSN: 2455-5134 , Vol. No. 6, Jul-Dec 2018 International Journal Of Research In Medical Sciences AndTechnology

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