Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 4Pages - 52-58
A Case study on Ayurvedic Management of Atopic dermatitis
23 Dec 2024
About Author
Patil D1,Kadalskar D2,
1 PG Scholar of Kayachikitsa Department, R. A. Podar (Govt) Ayurvedic College, worli Mumbai
2 HOD & Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, R. A. Podar (Govt) Ayurvedic College, worli Mumbai
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Date of Acceptance : 30 Dec 2024
Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2024
Article ID : SD-IJAY_121
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Ayurveda is an old science, and its primary objective is to ensure that the body's Dhatusamya is correctly maintained. Dushti of the Tridoshas and Rakt-Dhatu, which ultimately leads to an excessive number of different forms of auto immune skin problems, are the results of many lifestyle habits that are prevalent in today's society. Due to the fact that atopic dermatitis is one of them, we will be discussing the Ayurvedic management of this condition in this post.
Inflammation, redness, and irritation of the skin are the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, which is also commonly known as eczema. This disease is chronic, meaning it lasts for an extended period of time. In spite of the fact that it is a prevalent disorder that typically manifests itself in childhood, the disease can strike anyone at any age.
KEY WORDS:- Atopic dermatitis, Autoimmune Disorder, Charmadal, Shodhan-Shaman Chikitsa.
The disorder known as atopic dermatitis—eczema—causes itchy and irritated skin. Common in young children, it can strike anyone at any age. Long term (chronic), atopic dermatitis often flares occasionally. Though it can be annoying, it is not communicative.Autoimmune illnesses are disorders of health when your immune system attacks your body rather than protecting it. One type of eczema, atopic dermatitis (AD), may begin as an allergic reaction and evolve into an autoimmune response, according a study in the Journal of Autoimmunity.In Ayurvedic literature, the word "Charmadala" has been used within the category of Kushta (skin diseases) that denotes all kinds of skin illnesses. The way Acharya Kashyapa describes the illness Charmadala (dermatitis) is somewhat similar to that of Atopic dermatitis. Kandu (itching), rakta varnata of twak (reddish discolouration of skin), charma avadarana (peeling of skin) and twak rookshata (dryness) with pidaka (papule) development define it.(1)
Virechana was induced with Trivrut Avleha to expel out the Prakupita Doshas from the Koshta. When Doshas reach the Kosta, Trivrut (Operculina turpethum) increases the Kosta Gati, and it is Sukha. Virechana Dravya expels out Doshas from Adhobhaga in Drava form. Madhura Tikta Rasas of Trivrut are Pitta Shamaka, whereas Katu, Tikta Rasas, and Ushna Veerya of Trivrut will lead to Kapha Shamana, and it also causes Vata Anulomana; thus it is mainly Kapha PittaHara and, at the same time, Tridoshashamaka.[2] Siravedha causes Srotoshuddhi results in Prakrut Rasa Nirman and Prakrut Rakta Dhatu Utpatti, which ultimately leads to Prakrit Twak Nirmitti.
One of the main drugs I used in the trial is Arogyavardhini. Arogyavardhini KUTAKI in Arogyavardhini KUTAKIis famous for its Bhedana & Rechana karma. Also, it is considered to be one of the best Dravyas, which does Pittastravana. Excessive accumulation of Malas is mainly responsible for Tridoshaprakopa, and by the virtue of its Bhedana Guna, Kutaki will break down the Grathita Mala Sanghathana and aid in the easy elimination of Malas. Similarly, TRIPHALA, being Anulomaka, will aid in normal excretion of Malas. NIMBA being Tikta Rasatmak will cause Pittashamana.AlsKandughna. , it is considered to be Kushtghna & Kandughna.TAMRA BHASMA, being Vishanashak by Guna, will alleviate Ama-Visha, formed due to the intake of Viruudha Ahara & Agnimandya, which is considered to be one of th& Ushna rsons bin Viryad Kushtha. CHITRAKA being Katu Rasa & in will mainly cause Agnideepana [3]. One of them, the drug Avipattikara churna, which is used in the trial, helps in the elimination of pitta, which is responsible for the manifestation of twak roga (skin disorders) and pachana (digestion) of ama (undigested material) [4]. Another drug I have used is MahamanjRasatmaka; ashaya, in which mostly all Dravyas are Tikta Rasatmakahence this formulation will act as Raktashodhaka, Dahahara, Krumighna, and Kushthaghna. Gandhaka rasayana, the treatment of twak roga, is inadequate without it because of their peculiarities. It mainly acts on skin and blood, and it is Rasayana in action. So, it more or less acts on all Doshas and Dhatus. Gandhak is Ushna Veeryatmaka as well as Katu Rasa Vipaki, so it acts as Kaphghna and Kledaghna. Gandhak Rasayan helps to destroy the Samprapti (pathogenesis) of Kshudra Kushtha due to its Ushnaveerya and Katukashay Rasa [5].
Even though Atopic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing dermatitis condition, depending on the dosha involvement it can be cured by Ayurvedic intervention. The quality of life can be improved with help Ayurveda in patients of Atopic Dermatitis.
1] Kashyapa, Kashyapa Samhitha or Vriddhajivakiya tantra, English translation by Tewari P V, Varanasi: Choukhambha Viswabharathi, Reprint 2013.
2] Tripathi B, editor. Charaka & Drudhabala.Vol. 2. Varanasi, India: Chaukhamba Surbharti Publishers; 2008b. Charakasamhita of Agnivesha; p. 1105.
3]Ambikadatta shastri. Rasaratna Samuchchya. 9th edition. Chapter no-20. Verse no-87. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Publisher;1994. p. 400.
4] Sri Bhavamishra, Bhavaprakash Nighantu, Commentary by K C Chunekar, edited by G S Pandey, Choukamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi: Revised & Enlarged ed. 2010; p.776-780.
5] Gopal Krishan. Rastantrasaar va Sidhaproyag Samgrah, reprint edition. Rajasthan; Krishan Gopal Ayurved Bhawan, 2013; Vol-1. 225-228.
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