ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 175-180


 15 Mar 2024  733

About Author

Dube D1,Varade D2,Choudhari D3,
1 PG Scholar, Department of Rachana Sharir, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
2 Associate Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
3 Professor and HOD, Department of Rachana Sharir, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra

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Shree Ayurveda Mahavidhyalay, Nagpur
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Date of Acceptance : 15 Mar 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_076

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Pitika  is the common problem faced by many females. In Ayurveda it is mentioned under the raktvaha stotas dusti lakshan. This case is an ideal example of raktvaha srotas dushti and and its management  as mentioned in ayurvedic text. A 32 year old female was suffering from redish pitika all over the face with pain and pus inside them sinse last 1 year. Considering all symptoms and pathology of disease , patient was treated with shaman chikitsa i.e. oral administration of Ananta- Manjishta kwath, tapyadi loha ras, kamdudha vati , haritaki churna and dadimavleha. Result: Assessment of sign and symtoms of patient was done during each follow up, there was complete disppearnce of pitika , relief in pain, pus formation and all other sarwadaihik symptoms in 3 months 
Conclusion:  By finding the root cause of the disese we can treat pitika by simple shaman medication in ayueveda.



The exploration of the human body and its components is termed "Rachna Sharir" and serves as the foundational knowledge in comprehending the principles of Ayurveda. Within Ayurveda, the principles of Srotas can be likened to the roots of trees, symbolizing the channels responsible for transporting nutrients throughout the body. The human body operates as a harmonized system of Srotas, which are integral in the modification, transportation, absorption, and elimination of various substances. Different Ayurvedic authorities recognize varying numbers of Srotas, each with its own fundamental roots known as Mulathans. Any disturbance or dysfunction in these channels can lead to health issues.

Each Srotas carries out distinct functions and exhibits unique symptoms of imbalance (Dusti Lakshana). For instance, within Ayurvedic texts, the Raktavaha Srotas pertain to blood circulation and formation. Its primary roots are identified as Yakrit, Pleeha, and Raktavahinidhamani as mentioned in Ayurvedic literature. Numerous diseases affecting the Raktavaha Srotas stem from disturbances in these channels. These ailments include skin disorders, hemolytic conditions, gynecological issues, as well as metabolic disorders such as Kustha, Visrpa, Pidika, Kamala, Asrgdar, Arubuda, and Arsha.

Understanding the intricacies of Raktavaha Srotas is crucial for both diagnosis and treatment. This discourse emphasizes the concept of Raktavaha Srotas imbalance and its management through Ayurvedic therapeutic interventions


 In Ayurvedic Samhita pitika is mentioned Under the raktavaha stota dushti lakshana in charak Samhita.  The disease of the Raktavahasrotas is Kustha, Visrpa, Pidika, Kamala, Asrgdar, Arubuda, Arsha etc. all the skin diseases, haemolytic disease, gynaecological disorders, metabolic disorders. The diseases of Raktavahasrotas are important for diagnosis and clinical practices. 

And the treatment is mentioned as follows-Kuryaat shonitarogeshu raktapittahari kriyaam 
Virekamupavasam cha sravanam shonitasya cha (

Acharya charak has mentioned chikitsa of raktavaha strotas in sutrasthan adhyay 24. According to charak, raktavaha strotas diseases should be treated like 
raktapitta. Also, virechan, upavas, shonitastravan (raktamokshan) are said to be done depending on disease formation and the parts of body affected
In this case there is formation of pitika over the face due to raktdushti, also the other symptoms clearly suggest that there is increase in pitta dosha which leads to raktvaha srotas dushti as per concept of ASHRAYA-ASHRAYEE Bhav . 
As per chikitsa sutra of raktvaha srotas mrudu virechan and pittashaman treatment was planed for the patient.


1.Ananta –manjishtha kwath :  It is generally used for the pittashaman and blood purifier. It acts on rakta dhatu and also usefull in vitiated pitta by reducing paka.

2.Tapyadi loha ras : Act as a rasayan and covers the generalised weakness , palpitations , tingling numbness.

3.Kamdudha vati: Directly acts on pitta dosha and reduces paka  and pain sensation in the pitika.

4.Dadimavleha: It is proprietary medicines in the form of ghrita which is best in shaman of pitta dosha.

5.Haritaki churna: It acts as a mrudu virechak which is the best treatment for raktdushtijanya diseases.


During complete duration of treatment, patient was instructed to follow pathya & apathya. Patient was advised to eat daily Dadim due to its pittashamak propery and dipan pachana, in vihar .She  was adviced to avoid the use of chemicals over the face.
Due to all above treatment there was complete disappearance of pitika, discharge(strava)and pain. Relief in generalaised weakness, palpitation, hair loss & patient had managed successfully.


This shows that if plan of treatment is selected according to principles of Ayurveda along with proper drugs,doses,anupaan and patthya-apathya there is complete assuarence of susses in treatment of pitika . Hence  It is concluded that Ananta- manjishta kwath, tapyadi loha ras ,kamdudha vati and dadimavleha act as the pittashamak and rakt dhatu purifier. Haritaki churna act as a mrudu virechak which is the direct treatment of raktvaha strotas dushti chikitsa.


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