ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 3Pages - 38-44

A case study of Ayurvedic management of kroshutksheersha with special reference to Pseudogout

 16 Aug 2024  98

About Author

Wayal D1,Jamdhade D2,Jaiswal D3,Jamdhade D4,
1 PG Scholar, Kayachikista department DMMAM Yavatmal
2 Professor and HOD of Kayachikista department, Kayachikista department DMMAM Yavatmal
3 Professor of Kayachikista department, Kayachikista department DMMAM Yavatmal
4 Assistant Professor of Drvyagun department, Dravyagun department DMMAM Yavatmal

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Date of Acceptance : 05 Sep 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Sep 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_102

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Pseudogout (PG) is an acute arthritis attack that happens when you don't follow a natural diet and lifestyle. It makes it hard to do normal things. Extreme pain and stiffness happen in the joints, mostly in the knees. PG is made when calcium pyrophosphate crystals, a solid calcium salt, break down from bone that has built up in ligaments and joint spaces, mostly in the knee joints. Traditional medicine has a hard time treating PG, so people all over the world are looking for a method that is safe, cheap, and easy to use. The study's goal is to look at how well traditional ayurvedic treatments for PG, such as Yograj Guggulu and Punarnavadi Guggulu, work. Pseudogout (PG) is an acute arthritis attack that makes joints, especially the knees, hurt a lot and swell up. In Ayurveda, a sudden attack with a lot of pain and stiffness in the knee joints that looks like a jackal's head is called Kroshtukasheersha.(1). Acharya Sushruta called Kroshtukasheersha a vatavyadhi, which is like current terms for synovitis of the knee joint with effusion. (2) There are several causes for the swelling, such as arthritis or damage to the ligaments or meniscus.


वातशोणितजः शोथो जानुमध्ये महारुजः

ज्ञेयः क्रोष्टुकशीर्षस्तु स्थूलः क्रोष्टुकशीर्षवत् ।।

माधवनिदान / वातव्याधि / ५८ (3)

The knee joint gets Kroshtuksheersh when the Rakta dosha's dushti gets too strong. Kroshtuksheersh includes signs like knee joint swelling, pain, trouble moving the knee joint, redness, hyperaesthesia (Tivraasahatwa), warmth to the touch (Ushna sparsh), and fluid buildup in the knee joint. The buildup of fluid in the knee joint makes it look like the head of a fox (kroshtuk means "fox" and sheersh means "head"). This condition is known as Kroshtukasheersha(4). When too much synovial fluid builds up in or around the knee joint capsule, this is called knee joint effusion. Knee joint fluid is often caused by rheumatic diseases or osteoarthritis in older people. This is because degenerative joint wear makes the knee joint less functional, which leads to pain that keeps coming back. A serious swollen knee is the first sign of joint effusion because it makes it hard to move around. The symptoms and signs of Kroshtuksheersha are a lot like those of PG. Kroshtuksheersha is caused by eating foods that make Vata Dosha worse and make the blood vessels carry more weight. These causes include eating junk food and living a bad lifestyle. In standard medicine, joint aspiration and intra-articular injection are used to treat acute forms of PG. PG has not been looked at in any study of Ayurvedic medicine yet. That's why we looked for the best Ayurvedic treatment. According to the Ayurvedic idea of vitiated dosha, the best way to treat Kroshtuksheersha was with VataShamaka (which calms down Vatadosha) and RaktaPrasadhana (which lightens the load on the vessels).



Yograj guggulu- These are mostly drugs that have effects like tikta, kashaya, katu rasa, ushna, ruksha guna, and ushna virya, and they also work as kaphavatahara. These medicines also work as vedana stapaka, nadi balya, shulashamaka, and shothahara, which is very important for helping people in vatavyadhi feel better. Because it has lekhana properties, Guggulu gets rid of too much jalansha (8).

Punarnava Guggulu- Punarnava Guggulu works anti-inflammatory and also which has pacifying Tridosha and indicated in especially acute swelling, also indicated in gout, rheumatoid arthritis, skin disorder. (9)

Arogyavardhini Vati -

Arogyavardhini works on the working of Pakwashaya and Grahani as a whole and makes it smooth and fine.(10)

Dashmula Kwath– It is  Tridoshahara, Vedana sthapak and Sroto  Shodhaka.

Guduchi Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (willd.) Hook.F. &thoms.) churna (powder) is indicated for Vatarakta and Vataja disorders It also helps in sarva dhatu vardhan and acts as Rasayana.



Kroshtukasheersha and Pseudogout are associated with one another. The kroshtukasheersha can be successfully treated with the shaman chikitsa, sthanik chikitsa (valukapottali sweda), and paramedical procedure of jalukavcharan. According to this study, with the help of both Jalaukavacharan and Shamana Chikitsa, patients got relief, and clinically, patient 70% improved.



3. Madhavnidanm by Madhavkar with commentary of Vijayrakshit and shrikanthdatta, chauokhamba prakashan varanasi, 2005 , vatvyadhi, shlok no. 58
4. Kayachikista by Y.G Joshi, published by pune sahitya vitaran, sudharit aavrutti 2017 , vatvyadhi, P.g no : 264
6. Sushutra samhita, sushutra vimarshini hindi tika vyakhakar Dr. Anantram sharma chaukhmba prakashan, 2022,Sushutra Sutrasthan, jalokavcharniy adhyay, Sutra 6.
9. Pandit Lalchandraji Vaidya, hindi commentary on BhaishajyaRatnavali of Govind das, vataraktadhikar, verse 118, Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi 2002 pg. 374
10. Ayurvediy Aushadhigunadharmshastra, Vaidya Gune shastri, edition 2008,page no 208.
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