Action of Snehapana –
Mahatiktaghrit(6) - Mahatikta is made up of tikta rasa, ruksha, and laghu guna. It mostly affects kled, meda, lasika, rakta, pitta, and kapha, which helps balance the dosha and dhatu that are out of balance. It possesses the traits of Deepan, Pachan, Strotoshodhak, and Raktashodhak. Ravi Shankara, Kushtaghna, Kandughna, and Varnya. Ghrit is lipophilic, which helps get drugs to the right places. It enters cells and delivers drugs to the mitochondria and nuclear membrane. It keeps the skin's normal structure.
Gandhak Rasayana –
It acts well on skin problems like Psoriasis with madhur amla and kashaya ras (7) and properties like Kushtaghna, Kandughna, Dahaprashaman, Raktashodhak, Vranaropak, Twachya, and Krumighna. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial Properties. Sulphur that has been refined can be used to treat many kinds of skin conditions. It lessens infection and irritation, benefits digestion and the appearance of the skin. It can be applied both internally and externally to treat skin conditions.(8)
Arogyavardhini Vati -
From a pathological point of view, we can see that Grahani Vikruti is the main cause of Kushtha. When Grahani doesn't work right, Malavrodha happens. When Vata Dosha between Grahani and Pakwashaya gets weak, Malavrodha and Grahani's general ability to move and move things around becomes flawed. Because of this, some organic toxins were made and then consumed, which led to Dhatu Dushti and then Kushtha Vyadhi. In general, Arogyavardhini works on Grahani and Pakwashaya to make them work better and more smoothly.(9)
Sariva -
As Daha and Vaivarnya is one of the symptoms and sign respectively of Kushtha Vyadhi. Charak has described Sariva in Dahaprasahamana(10)(Refrigerants) and Varnya (complexion promoting) Mahakashaya. It also works as Raktapachaka as described by Charak.
Manjishta –
Manjishtha is talked about by Charak in the Varnya(11) and Vishaghna(12) Mahakashayas and by Sushrut in the Pitta Shamana Mahakashayas. It works as Kaphapittashamaka because it has Tikta Kashaya Madhura Rasa. This gets mixed up in Kitibha Kushtha and Kushthaghna as well. It has the power of Krumighna in Pachansansthan.
Guduchi –
Guduchi have tikta ras and madhur vipak, which is useful to pacify the pitta dosha in rakta. Charak has described Guduchi in Dahaprashamana (10) . It also helps in sarva dhatu vardhan and acts as Rasayana.
Khadira –
Khadira has kushtaghna (12) property according to charak . Also it’s tikta, kashay, shit virya makes it pitta kaphaghna and kandughna . It work great in kushtha disease.