ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 2Pages - 106-114


 07 Jun 2024  189

About Author

KHAIRKAR C1,Gawande D2,Jeswani D3,Shewalkar D4, Chaware D5,
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Dept. of Agadtantra , BMAC & RH BUTIBORI NAGPUR
2 HOD and Professor Department of Agadtantra, Bhausaheb mulak ayurved college Nagpur, Maharashtra
3 Associate Professor , Department of Agadtantra, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya ,Nagpur.
4 Assistant Professor, Department of Rasa shastra & Bhaishajya kalpana , Government Ayurved College Baramati, Pune
5 Professor and HOD, Department of Swasthavrutta & Yoga, Bhausaheb mulak ayurved college Nagpur, Maharashtra

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Date of Acceptance : 08 Jun 2024

Date of Publication : 29 Jun 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_091

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Ayurveda is the science of life that deals with both cure and prevention of diseases. There are eight branches in it, one among which is Agadtantra. Agadtantra is defined as the science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of bites of poisonous snakes, insects, spiders, mice etc. and criminal administration of poison. Among all poisonous cases snake bite poisoning is utmost importance as it is a condition that needs emergency management. Keraleeya Visha Vaidyas play an eminent role in the treatment aspects of poisonous bite cases, they have dedicated their life and soul to the cries of dead broke and also has contributed literatures that quote different treatment modalities and formulations out of their experience like Kriya Koumudi, Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika, Lakshanamritham, Prayoga Samuccayam etc. The topic of concern Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga is one such distinctive formulation that has been quoted in Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika. The formula consists of nine ingredients and is based on Lepa (makeup). Today Lepana (external application) is widely used even by the legendary Visha Vaidhyas.This formulation has been used for reducing the poisonous symptoms due to mandali visha, swelling, pain, burning sensation and all problem due to vrana.

KEY WORDS:- Agadtantra, keraleeya visha chikitsa, Nalpamaradi lepa, Mandali Visha.



Ayurveda is the science of life that deals with both cure and prevention of diseases1. There are eight branches in it, one among which is Agada tantra2. Agada tantra is defined as the science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of bites of poisonous snakes, insects, spiders, mice etc and criminal administration of poison3. Visha is described as the substance that forms the body and mind of Vishada. Acharyas divide Visha into two main types: Stavara (plant origin) and Jangama (animal origin). In almost all of the animate poisoning cases shopha (swelling) is a major expression that may further complicate into systemic manifestations4. The condition is to be handled then and there so as to prevent the further suffering of the patient. Mandali sarpadamsha produces symptoms like that hemotoxic in nature manifesting as swelling, hyperpyrexia, burning sensation etc, commonly seen in viper snake bite poisoning5. Keraleeya vishagranthas has explained variety of formulations to be used in emergency conditions as well as conservative treatment modalities.

Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga is one such preparation quoted in Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika6 that has got an outstanding action on shopha caused by visha, which is used as external application. In the conditions of snake bite and other poisonous creature bites, the emergency management play a vital role. In Ayurveda literature, many formulations were explained which can be used in emergency conditions of snakebite. Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga one among them which was well utilised by Folklore Visha Vaidhyas of Kerala, but the scientific review and research work are required to utilise this formulation with more confidence, hence this review study has been undertaken to highlight in brief about its ingredients, method of preparation, uses and utility of Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga.


Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga is mentioned as one among the siddha yogas for shoph, swelling, pain, burning sensation caused due to mandali damsh visha in Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika. In Mandali visha damsa local symptoms are more compared to systemic symptoms, within 1-2hrs after bite. Systemic symptoms are seen in progressed stage. Local symptoms like shotha (swelling), daha (burning sensation) etc. are seen. With the application of lepa we can reduce the local symptoms.

Practically, Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga can be applied one layer over the other after drying up of the first and also can be applied at night time till the symptoms reduces.

Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga is also seen effective in the shoph caused due to other jangama visha symptoms e.g.: - scorpion, centipede, wasp etc.

The qualities of the ingredients in this formulation are-

  • 37% of drugs is Madhura rasa and 13% tikta rasa which helps in pacifying aggravated Pitta Dosha which is found in Mandali Visha.
  • 44% of the drugs constitute kashaya rasa which is acting upon kapha dosha as well as pitta dosha.
  • 22% of drugs have Laghu Guna which helps in easy absorption of the medicine.
  • 17% of drugs have Snigdha Guna which helps in counteracting the Rukshata at the bite site.
  • 22 % of drug have Ruksha Guna which help in the easy penetration of the drug into the skin tissues.
  • 89% of drugs have Sheeta Virya which helps in pacifying the Pitta Dosha.
  • 67% of drugs have Katu Vipaka and 33% of drugs have Madhura vipaka, this will help in pacifying vata and Kapha Dosha which gets aggravated due to the prior aggravation of Pitta Dosha.

The combined qualities of the formulation are;

  • On the contest of pacifying the Doshas in the body, most drugs are Kapha pitta shamaka actions.
  • Most of drugs have Vishagna, Vranahara property.
  • Kandughna property is also seen in 60% of drugs in the Agada yoga.
  • Kushtaghna property is also seen in 65% of drugs in the Agada yoga.
  • Raktaprasadhanam and krumighna actions is also present in Chandana.
  • Dahahara property is also seen among the drugs.
  • Yonidoshahar property is seen among the drug.


Around 80,000 to 1,00,00 snake bite cases happen every year in India, out of which 60% are treated by folklore Visha Vaidhyas. Sarpavisha damsa is a condition which needs emergency management. Shoph, Pain, burning sensation caused due to visha needs to be treated immediately so as to prevent the further sufferings of the patient. Even though there is infinite number of medications quoted in our classics we depend on ambivalent remedies and there is a need for thorough literary works and researches on that regard. The significance of this yoga is among its properties which is more concentrated towards pacifying the Pitta Dosha Chandan have action in Rakta and in Mandali Visha. Rakta is affected more when compared to other Dhatus. The mode of administration is told as Lepa, due this the effect of Nalpamaradi Lepa Yoga will be more, since in Mandali Visha local symptoms are more predominant when compared to the systemic symptoms. This all might the reasons mentioned this yoga in the context of Mandali Visha chikista in 6th chapter of Visha Vaidya Jyotsnika. Further detailed information can be found out by carrying out proper clinical research works.




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