Year - 2023Volume - 1Issue - 2Pages - 10-21
04 Dec 2023
About Author
Sahu D1,OJHA D2,
1 M.D. Final Year Scholar Kayachikitsa Department, Raipur Chhattisgarh
2 Professor and HOD Kayachikitsa Department, Raipur Chhattisgarh
Correspondence Address
Dr. Awadhesh Sahu
MD Scholar, Final Year
Kayachikitsa Department
Shri NPA Govt. Ayurveda college Raipur
Contact No. : 7804989037, Email :
Date of Acceptance : 12 Dec 2023
Date of Publication : 31 Dec 2023
Article ID : SD-IJAY_038
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CKD has become a common disease with a high Prevalence rate of nowadays. Chronic Kidney Disease itself indicates chronicity with irreversible damage to the kidneys due to main leading factor in many cases nowadays as a major cause which is Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus type 2, which clinically presents as symptomless sometimes in initial stages and further presents with pedal oedema, decreased appetite, nausea, difficulty in micturition/decreased urine output, frothy/foamy urine, fatigue. Usually it is manifested through various lab investigations such as kidney function test in which increase in serum urea levels, serum creatinine and other are seen i.e., a waste product made by our muscles, also Kidney’s one of the vital function is production of erythropoietin. Haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are the most common treatments for chronic kidney failure, followed by kidney transplantation. Kidney failure treatment is highly costly and out of reach for most Indians. Ayurveda has played an essential role in the early stages of renal failure in the hunt for this effective and safe treatment.Introduction
Mutra is a kleda product, according to Ayurveda. Acharya Sushruta, a world-renowned surgeon, has a good description of Mutrapravrutti.
Creatine and Creatinine are not the same substances. Creatin is found of muscle and it is a breakdown product of Creatin phosphate in muscles and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body depending on mass-muscle. Creatin is a nitrogenous acid that is synthesized in liver and kidney. Distribution of body Creatine from liver transported to other tissues. Creatine are 98% present in skeletol and heart these muscles it gets converted to high energy source creatine phosphate. In skeletol muscle approximately 1/4th of Creatine exists as free Creatine and 3/4th exists as Creatine phosphate compound. It acts as a storage form of energy in the muscle. The amount of C. phosphate in the body is proportional to the muscle mass.
If the kidney are damaged or impaired and can’t work normally the amount of Creatinine in urine goes down while it’s level in blood goes up. Creatinine has been found to be a fairly reliable indicator of kidney function. In renal failure the kidney will not be able to excrete Creatinine in urine thus the level of S. creatinine in blood is high. Levels of Creatinine of blood serum depends mainly on renal function but other factors also may affected as-----
- The amout of muscle tissue in body men to have higher level of blood Creatine because they have more skeleton muscle tissue than women.
- Vegitarian have shown lower Creatinine level in blood.
- Normal S. Creatinine level is 0.7 – 1.4 mg/dl in male and 0.6 – 1.1 mg/dl in female
- Normal S. Creatine level is 0.2 – 0.4 mg/dl
- S. Creatinine is sensitive indicator for Kidney Disease.
- CKD is progressive disease is progressive loss in Renal function over a period of months or years and is caused by any condition which destroys the normal structural properties possibly help to transport the drug molecules in the systemic circulation through mucosa.
- The treatment modality adopted here based on Dosha- Dushya involvement.
- The patient is showing encouraging results during management of CKD with given Ayurvedic treatment.
- These medicines correct all cardinal feature of CKD and improve the renal function which is evident by reduction in S.Creatinine and other Blood parameters.
- In addition the Treatment also improves general condition of patient. These medicines also decreases requirement of Dialysis and in some patient eliminated as well.
- In difficult condition like higher level of HTN and DM medicine shows marked improvement along with Dietary changes and life style modification.
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- Dr. Tripathi Bramhanand, Ashtanga Hridaya, Choukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthaan, Delhi, Punarmudrit sanskaran 2012, Chikitsa Sthan Chapter 11/8, Pg. No. 708.
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- Davidson Textbook of Medicine Vol – 1
- A Handbook of Medicinal Plants (Prajapati / purohit / Sharma / Kumar Page No. 551)
- (Dr. K. M. Nadkarni’s INDIAN MATERIA MEDICA Third Edition Revised and Enlared
- By A.K. Nadkarni volume-1 Forwarded by R.N.Chopra , DHOOTAPAPESHWAR.
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