ISSN : 2584-0304

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Year - 2024Volume - 2Issue - 1Pages - 68-78


 17 Feb 2024  670

About Author

Awathare D1,Sharma D2,Dachewar – Singam D3,
1 PG Scholer, Department of Kayachikitsa , Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
2 Associate Professor , Department of Kayachikitsa , Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra
3 Professor and HOD Kayachikitsa Department, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra

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Date of Acceptance : 25 Feb 2024

Date of Publication : 27 Mar 2024

Article ID : SD-IJAY_054

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Cough is a respiratory disease that affects everyone at some point in their life. The incidence of respiratory diseases has  increased significantly in recent years. The fifth most common symptom for which patients seek treatment is muscle. The incidence of respiratory diseases has increased due to excessive air pollution caused by globalization, urbanization, industrialization and the adoption of Western culture. Exposure to many chemicals, heavy metals, organic compounds and inorganic substances. Acharya Charaka's character Kasa is a special disease. In addition to separate diseases, they are also considered as symptoms, problems and sequelae of some diseases. One of the most common diseases affecting Pranvaha strotas. According to modern health science, cough is a symptom while katha has been described and classified in detail as a separate disease in  its own right in the Ayurvedic literature. It can also occur as a problem or even as a consequence. Vault is one of  Pranvaha Strotodusthijanya Vyadhi. Destroyed Prana Vayu and Udana Vayu along with  other Doshas are further deteriorated and are forcefully expelled like broken bronze vessels by coughing  called  Kasa. In this disease Pran Vayu gets Udan Gati. Due to the Pratiloma Gati (backward direction) of Prana Vayu, Apan Vayu receives the Urdhwa Gati (ascending direction) and causes obstruction in the Prakruta Gati (forward direction) of Udan Vayu, causing blockage and Pran Vayu is expelled through the mouth . Depending on the etiology, we can treat the disease in two ways: Shamana Chikitsa (medication only) or  Shodhana Chikitsa (purification). This article explains the Ayurvedic perspective on Kaphaja kas that will help in diagnosis and proper management.


Kasa is defined in  Ayurvedic scriptures as a distinct group of diseases, symptoms, problems and sequelae. Vata and Kapha are the two main pathological conditions associated with the rise of Kaphaja kas. Etiological factors cause Kapha energy, therefore Kaphaja inhibits Vata energy which causes kas. Kaphaja muscle, Kapha layer in the mouth, Kapha sampoornaura is a medical condition caused by aversion to food, feeling of heaviness in the body, weakness, cough after thick Kapha phlegm. It is said that in Charak samhita the weight of each type of robe increases respectively. Kaphaja Kasa ranks third among them. 5 It can be understood that the safe mentioned in the scriptures is the result of cough and phlegm. The characteristics of Kaphaja Kasa are Kasa with prabhuta, gana, sniigdha, bahala kaphalakshanas. Even  with bronchitis, a chronic cough will appear in the clinic. So Kaphaja can understand Kasa. Clinical studies have proven that Kaphaja Kasa's Chikitsa is effective in treating chronic lung disease. Cough is associated with  upper respiratory tract infections, pharyngitis,  bronchitis and  sinusitis,  which are among the top ten reasons for seeing a family doctor. Kasa is caused by the weakness of Tridoshas (trisomic components). Destroyed Prana Vayu and UdanaVayu along  with other Doshas worsen and suddenly appear with a coughing sound similar to broken blood vessels called  Kasa. If care is not taken and not treated in time, the situation will worsen. Hence, in this review article, kaphaja Kasa vyadhi, by reviewing various Samhitas and other Ayurvedic texts, understands the concept of kaphaja kas disease  and develops accordingly.


Coughing is the most common respiratory symptom that everyone faces. We are increasingly affected by  environmental factors such as pollutants and allergens. In Kaphaja Kasa, Kaphadosha blocks Vata gati and  Vata takes an abnormal path, so treatment should focus on Kaphanirharan and normalization of Vata gati. According to Sanskrit and English dictionaries, the word "Kasa" means cough. According to Acharya Charaka, the abnormal upward movement of the painful Pranavata causes the scrotums of  Netra, Prashta, Ura and Parshva to contract and, alone or in combination with the painful Kapha, erupt strongly through the mouth, producing similar hoarse sounds. It is made from a broken bronze vessel known as a Kasa. Acharya Charaka describes two separate medicines recommended for Kaphaja Kasa: Kastushdhi and Rashushdhi. These are Kasagnaguna, Katu, Ushna, Tikshna, Sukshma, Chedana and Kaphanissaraka. Chakrapani Dutta explains the word Kasa as “Uraprabuti Shatanayo Kasa Eti Anavastha Saamya Uchyate”. This means drawing on the chest wall while coughing. Acharya Sushruta defines porridge as “SambhinnaKaansyasvanaTulyaGhosha”. This is a disease that causes a typical sound that mimics the sound of a broken bronze vessel.


While modern science considers coughing to be a mere symptom, Ayurveda considers it a disease. The type of Casas can be identified by the nature of the  cough and phlegm production. Kaphaja kasa can be associated with chronic bronchitis based on nidana, samprati and laksana. The first and main nidana, about which our acharyas talk about the manifestations of porridge, are raja and dhuma, which begin the pathological process of pranavaha samprati and even chronic bronchitis appears in people who are chronic smokers and due to constant exposure to dust at work. . Nidana Parivarjana, various Shamnushdhis and various types of Shodhana will help in  the treatment of Kaphaja Kasa. These shamanic preparations probably acted as cough suppressants, expectorants, and mucolytics. In the future, there is a need to clinically prove the effectiveness of these shamanic drugs.


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